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My hair

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Oh no people! I dyed my hair darkish brown today.

My natural colour is lightish/mediumish brown but id bleached most of it blonde so i had loads of blonde highlights which at the time i thought looked ok but not brilliant. Anyway my boyfriend said dye it back brown cos he didnt like it, my brother said it made my face look too dark (cos i have been sunbathing a lot so my face was no longer english pale complexion) and my dad preferred it brown, whereas the females (mum, friends, work) liked it blonde.


anyway i was bored today and decided to dye it brown (going for the jennifer lopez brown haired look) but now im all down cos i think it looked better blonde when comparing it with photos. The people who preferred it brown obviously like it now but my mum said it looked way better blonde.


I now realise it looked WAY better blonde.



Do people prefer dark or blonde hair?? Do you think being blonde perhaps lowered peoples expectations of my intelligence so im better off dark brown? Or is blonde best? why did the males think it looked better brown haired whereas females thought it looked better blonde?


In summery i just want to check whether the males liking brown females liking blonde is true on a wider scale than just the people ive spoken to.



PS: broken the retirement after realising theres bugger all to do on the net

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hmm, tricky question...


while i usually prefer brown hair, blonde hair can be quite nice as well (as one certain forum member can tell you :D )


as not to sound over clichéd other peoples opinion means nothing, just keep it how you like it and if people say otherwise then thats their perrogative! :P if you prefer it blonde but are only keeping it cos other people say so then you have to think am i doing it for me, or for others?


and thats all i can say ;)

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I think the fact that men prefer your natural colour speaks volumes. Women will subconsciously want you to look less attractive so you won't be a threat to them.


I think anything other than natural looks unusual as your hair colouring is designed by nature to complement your skin tone.


Plus, when dyed hair starts growing out it can look tatty.

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The glory of hair is that it grows out again. Play, have fun, be as experimental as you like...:D

If you don't try different styles and colours, you'd never know what suits you.

I liked my hair red, and so did most of my friends, but my mother just wasn't convinced. Parents are like that. Strangely, mine preferred blonde as well...maybe it's a mother thing :lol:

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I think it just depends on what suits the individual. I know many people with dark hair who dye it blonde and it looks great, but I see just as many people with dark roots that look horrendous.


I dyed mine black once. Permanently. I liked it at the time, but no-one else did. Looking back at old photos I have to admit I now agree with them!


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hopefully i wont get very noticeable roots because the colour is so similar to my natural colour. Blondee - what did it look like having black hair with blonde roots? i cant imagine that, or did you just bleach as soon as it started to grow out? I suppose Christina Aguilera is going through the same thing as you did - cos her hair certainly looks very strange at the moment.

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