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One o,clock hummer

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does anyone remember the one o,clock hummer from somewhere in Hillsborough if we heard it we knew we were late going back to school. A friend of mine says there is still one going in sheffield but she doesnt know where from, anyone know??

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does anyone remember the one o,clock hummer from somewhere in Hillsborough if we heard it we knew we were late going back to school. A friend of mine says there is still one going in sheffield but she doesnt know where from, anyone know??


It was at Burdalls now Morrisons.

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I remember it well. When paddling at Malin Bridge on summer lunchtimes in the 1950s it told us that we had 20 minutes to get back up Boulder Hill to Malin Bridge School. I think it came from the Barracks - maybe Burdalls.

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does anyone remember the one o,clock hummer from somewhere in Hillsborough if we heard it we knew we were late going back to school. A friend of mine says there is still one going in sheffield but she doesnt know where from, anyone know??
theres one goes off at one oclock in fargate,but its more of a siren than a hummer
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it was definately burdals.I used to live just over the back from it ,It also went off at 8oclock in the morning .It was our alarm clock my husband was never late for work thanks to it.aT 5-45 It went off again.I used to curse the 1 oclock one though because it always woke my baby up from his afternoon nap.The noise was deafening

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  • 1 year later...

Anyone out there used to work at Burdalls. i worked there in the late 50s.l remember the strange names where the different products were made:: there was " The Bottle alley"

" the pill and tablet" " dry side and wet side". All manner of things were made and packed there: aspirin. gravy salt, plasters, saffron hair products-----. l could go on. lt was a good place to work at and l had some happy times there despite the long long hours l worked.

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