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The York Hotel, Broomhill in the 80s

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Derek Brown took over about 1970 I'm surprised he was still there in early eighties.

before him was an old lady who had been there since before the war. People used to talk about black market stuff at the pub. I'll probably remember her name about 4 in the morning.

There was a tap room, darts room, a room with a juke box, a main bar and a piano lounge. Sing song on a saturday night.

I went in about 10 years ago I was very disappointed. Although looking back when I went in, in the 60s, it really was a hovel.

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One of the best pubs in Broomhill. I used to frequent it in the early 90s. I remember they used to have a music quiz one night. I remember one question was 'Who sang Turning Japanese' and we were the only ones to get the right answer. (It was the Vapours!!) I don't think anyone else was old enough to remember that night!!!

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You could say The York was my first 'local' (despite living 2 to 3 miles away) and I first started going there in February 1986.


It was a traditional pub, pretty much a two room affair with the bar on the left in a 'katie-corner' fashion. I recall a number plate type sign above the bar asking RU 18 (probably because I wasn't 18 and wouldn't be for over a year!).


It was a typical, comfy and homey Stones house. I drunk Tenants Lager (with lime) to begin with and when the landlord - an overweight chap with a grey tank top - discovered we were underage (or at least, most of us were) we decamped to The West End.


Of course, progress saw The York ruined, firstly as a ghastly oirish pub (all dark and fake) and then even worse, as a Scream pub orientated toward students (although their Scream burgers are magnificent).


Give the people of Broomhill and beyond their pub back (once someone is mad enough to take on the tenancy).

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  • 3 weeks later...

These pix shows the former Hotel upstairs (top floor area)........this 2nd (top floor) has been completely disused since the 1960's..lots of rooms and twisty staircases..its a real time warp






if anyone can throw any light on the origins of that sign leaning up against the wall in the last pic, which has an old 5 digit pre 1980 local phone number, that would be interesting.


NB Pix Copyright 2008 Golden Fleece

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goldenfleece -


Very interesting pictures.


That staircase picture looks like something from the Titanic!


Seems a waste of space. It would be nice for someone to turn these rooms into accommodation for customers.


Then again, it would be nice for someone to turn the place back into a decent pub again.

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goldenfleece -


Very interesting pictures.

That staircase picture looks like something from the Titanic!


Seems a waste of space. It would be nice for someone to turn these rooms into accommodation for customers.Then again, it would be nice for someone to turn the place back into a decent pub again.


Current regulations for Fire Escapes mean the 2nd floor cannot be used for 'public purposes', but only private accommodation by the owners. It is a wonderful top floor full of twisty staircases, corridors and archways and far more rooms than the outside view of the building would suggest!! yes I love that staircase, its one of many and all original.....its a real tardis upstairs in there........although judging from 2 rooms on the 2nd floor which have been slightly modernized with 70's kitchen tiles and wood 'veneer' finishes, I am guessing pub staff lived in part of the 2nd floor in the 70's or early 80's.......


the first floor is partly in use as staff living space, but only a very small part of the whole.....


And as for being a proper decent pub again, you never know what may happen in the future! After all it could not get any worse could it???

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  • 1 month later...

Of course, progress saw The York ruined, firstly as a ghastly oirish pub (all dark and fake) and then even worse, as a Scream pub orientated toward students (although their Scream burgers are magnificent).

Give the people of Broomhill and beyond their pub back (once someone is mad enough to take on the tenancy).


yes, I am totally insane and it is now MY pub from October 21st this year. And you can bet your bottom dollar it is going to be a PROPER PUB again, with real ale and some internal restorations to.


Check out the pages on the net


and also pix of the 2nd floor not added, disused since 1966....

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Anyone with knowledge of the old pre O'Neills layout of the York (not got the actual original plans yet), some puzzles...


The side entrance on Glossop Road is now locked and painted up, and there was a staircase inside here leading up to what is now the toilet corridor. The top of these stairs had a doorway coming out next to the gents toilet door, but this has gone completely. There is a hollow partition wall in that corridor and the cellar entrance has been moved, so perhaps it now comes out in the extended top of the cellarhead. I really did not notice when I viewed the cellars but want to find out where this doorway has gone...that side entrance is a lovely feature and one I want to restore if possible...if u look on the outside there is what looks mlike original glass panel over the side door covered in grime which says York Hotel Wines and Spirits......


Secondly, looking at the building front next to the front door is a big window, this seems to now be part of the back of the bar....originally it would have lit the pub interior, but I cant ever remember in the 80's that window being on the inside at all...


if you recall, at that time you walked in the front door and had to turn right, with a doorway that opened into where the pool table is now. the bar was on the left, but not sure if it has been moved further along the wall towards the current doorway or not. I must have walked up to that bar 1000's of times in the 80's but just can't visualize the left part of it, but I can see the L shape bit clearly in my mind on the far wall.


Enlighten me someone..


And also, where the girls toilets now are, there was a corridor of some sort with a dart board at the end, and the big window that lit the back of the pub is now absorbed into the girl toilets, which must have been in the bit that now leads to the beer garden.


I need some pictures.......HELP!

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