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Anyone born in Pearl Street 1920 to 1950?

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In the 1901 census my great grandad and family lived , according to the census at 43 ct 3 h Pearl St. I suppose this means the 3rd house in court 43, or can anyone give me a better interpretation?


Hi Janner


Yes you are correct. If you are interested, Sheffield Local Studies Library, Surrey Street, have maps of ths area dated around 1950 time which will show the numbering for the Courts, but not the houses. However if you can work out from the available trade directories which direction the numbering went for houses which were actually on the street itself, then you will be able to work out the location of 3 house in Court 43, as the numbering in the Courts usually ran in the same direction.

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My mum was born in Pearl Street Sharrow in 1924, I was born in the same house in 1946. I was just interested if anyone remembers the street and the people who lived there then.



I grew up in Pearl Street and went to St Matthias School. I can remember the

Blitz when parts of the street were badly damaged. The Victory Party celebrations when the Street was Decorated with flags across the street. Had some happy times there. My mums family all lived there. We lived at 123 and opposite our house was a big tree that grew in the back garden of a house in Cemetery Rd. Yes I have many happy memories of Pearl St.

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My mum was born in Pearl Street Sharrow in 1924, I was born in the same house in 1946. I was just interested if anyone remembers the street and the people who lived there then.



I grew up in Pearl Street and went to St Matthias School. I can remember the

Blitz when parts of the street were badly damaged. The Victory Party celebrations when the Street was Decorated with flags across the street. Had some happy times there. My mums family all lived there. We lived at 123 and opposite our house was a big tree that grew in the back garden of a house in Cemetery Rd which we loved to climb.Yes I have many happy memories of Pearl St. My mums family were called Robinson. There was Herbert, Douglas, Ken, and my mother Edna. They all lived in the part of the street that was below Washington Rd. There was a small grocers called Vernons where we got some of the weeks shopping.

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I was born at the house with the big tree in the garden. I spent a lot of my childhood climbing the tree. We lived at 179 Cemetery Road, but the back garden came onto Pearl Street. I lived there from 48 to 58 and I went to St Matthias school. I loved the school. So did my mum and her brothers. Their name was Grant and they lived at 84 Pearl Street, lower down and below Washington Rd. Happy memories.


I grew up in Pearl Street and went to St Matthias School. I can remember the

Blitz when parts of the street were badly damaged. The Victory Party celebrations when the Street was Decorated with flags across the street. Had some happy times there. My mums family all lived there. We lived at 123 and opposite our house was a big tree that grew in the back garden of a house in Cemetery Rd. Yes I have many happy memories of Pearl St.

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  • 3 months later...
My dad's elder half sister Kate Addy and her future husband Ernest Broomhead lived in Pearl Street in the 1920s. They had two daughters Barbara and Kathleen


Ernest and Kate were my grandparents (both died in the 1950's) - they moved to Blackpool and had further children - Constance, Ernest and Barry - Barbara, Barry and Ernest are still alive

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A mate of mine lived on Pearl st. but I just can't remember his name but I think there was a passage, (Gennal ) from Fentonville St. to Pearl St. and he lived around there. He was a regular at Arnies Washington Arms. If he's still living he'll be about 81. Mind you I could be completely wrong about the whereabouts of Pearl St. since it's about 50 years since I was around that area. I'll have a Google.


Fentonville street runs at an angle to Pearl Street, and joins Mackenzie Street.


Mackenzie Street runs parallel to Pearl street, up, off Washington Road, with what are now new flats between the two.


I don't remember the houses that were there, but I do remember the adventure playground that was there before the flats back in the 70's.

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My mother lived in Washington Road 1935 ish- her gran lived in Pearl Street - apparently she used to wait for my mother to come home from school to fetch a pint of ale from the corner shop. My mom hated it so often went home a different way so that her sister had to fetch the ale!!

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Anyone remember a Dorothy Walker [ probably born about 1940 ? ] who lived on either Pearl Street or McKenzie Street ? She went to Pomona St. School in the early '50's.

Ditto [ above ] Tony Lowe ? Also [ not all the same details but definitely Pearl Street ]. M.Humphreys and his sister, Delise ?

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