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I left the freezer door open

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on my insurance policy its classed as accidental, because this happened to me and i could claim up £300 of loss of food


sorry shihtzumad my last post just read it didnt mean it to sound nasty sorry hope havnt offened you just at the moment im out of pocket untill can claim it back

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I did this the other day - thankfully only for a few hours or so, so just shut it again (i'll risk food poisoning over losing all my food!).


Now I have got really paranoid cos I got a ready meal out to take to work this morning!!

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The fact of the matter is, even over 24 hours, the chance of sufficient pathogenic bacteria forming on the food in question is very small. The only food you really need to throw away after defrosting is ice cream, as this is very high risk and has many of these bacteria already.


There will be a slight degredation in quality of the foodstuffs, but not enough to warrant throwing it away.


I know this doesn't help at the moment, but if you do it again, just turn it back on and keep schtumm.

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on my insurance policy its classed as accidental, because this happened to me and i could claim up £300 of loss of food



ya know ........ Ive got accidental cover too and i never thought of ever claiming on it

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In addition to what Samesame monkey has said if you are not comfortable with refreezing you could always cook stuff up and then refreeze it, if you have cooked it hot enough all the way through then it will be fine.


I've done that when left my freezer open, cooked all the raw meat into casserroles, and batches of chilli and stuff and refroze it.

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I did that once when we went away to Skeggy for the weekend. Didn't do anything, just made the cupboard very cold (we kept the freezer in a cupboard under the stairs at the time) and there was so much ice I couldn't shut the freezer.

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