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'Relaxed' drinking up times City Centre?


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Which pubs would anyone say had a 'relaxed' attitude to the 20 minute current drinking up rule, which means that following the antiquated 2300 hours Time at the bar bell, you have to have finished your drink by 2320 hours.


I notice some places are VERY militant on getting the bouncers to come round as early as 2310 and start hassling you to "get yer beer off and go home", while others really pay little attention and give you sometimes until 2330 or later to finish that final pint of the night. Its the real ale and traditional boozers who seem relaxed about it, while the trendy bars cant wait to take your glasses off you and kick you out!!!!

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its more ur proper locals like you have already metioned that have relaxed supping up time but there is a lot that do go by the law of the 20mins iv worked in different pubs where its been different also depends on landlords some will let u carry on drinking some will use the 20 mins which is by law with regards to the 20mins this means that once time has been called you then have 20mins to finish your drinks also staff in most pubs are only paid till half hour after bar has closed

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Originally posted by sammysowls

its more ur proper locals like you have already metioned that have relaxed supping up time but there is a lot that do go by the law of the 20mins iv worked in different pubs where its been different also depends on landlords some will let u carry on drinking some will use the 20 mins which is by law with regards to the 20mins this means that once time has been called you then have 20mins to finish your drinks also staff in most pubs are only paid till half hour after bar has closed


Its the places that try and chreat you of this 20 minute drinking up time that annoy me. You know, you get that final pint at 11pm on the dot and within 10 minutes some huge bouncer is diging you in the back and telling you to **** off home. I have had a half full glass taken from my hand by a bouncer at 1114 hours exactly in a certain West Street bar........the guy was so enormous and bad tempered looking I decided NOT to point out I was entitled to 20 minutes by law to finish my pint.


Unless the 20 minute rule is at the sole discretion of the landlord of course, in which case I guess they can sell you a pint at 2300 hours and take it off you at 2301 if they wish.


Nightclubs are terrible for this after their final call at the bar.....

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Originally posted by goldenfleece

I decided NOT to point out I was entitled to 20 minutes by law to finish my pint.


Unless the 20 minute rule is at the sole discretion of the landlord of course, in which case I guess they can sell you a pint at 2300 hours and take it off you at 2301 if they wish.



Your second statement was more accurate there. The 20 minutes drinking up time is time that the pub is allowed to still have you there if they wish, not time that you are entitled to.


You don't actually have a "right" to be there in the first place, you could be asked to leave or refused service at any time, regardless of drinking up time etc.



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It's basically how long the landlord can legally stay open with drinkers in, rather than a legal right to be there drinking.


However there is a consumer issue here, the bars are really ripping you off if they sell you a drink then don't give you chance to drink it.


It is also very bad customer service to be hassling paying customers with a menacing style.


However the answer is next time don't go and spend your money in that bar.

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Yes I had forgotten the licensee has full rights to serve, or not to serve, whoever they feel like with no reason whatsoever. So a landlord can actualy sell you a pint at 9pm say,and then decide they dont like you and take it off you after one sip 20 seconds later and ask you to leave......they dont need to give any reason whatsoever.....


not the best way to get loyal customers though......

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It rather depends on the type of establishment.


You can hunker down in a cosy little boozer and nobody would ever know.


However, in a modern bar with lots of glass windows the Landlord can't take the chance of the Police wandering past at 11.22 and the place being full of people drinking. It's HIS license that is at risk at that time, not the drinkers.


Anyway, staff want to get off home. You drinkers know the rules - what's the problem with finishing by 11.20?

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