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'Relaxed' drinking up times City Centre?


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Originally posted by Tony

It rather depends on the type of establishment.


You can hunker down in a cosy little boozer and nobody would ever know.


However, in a modern bar with lots of glass windows the Landlord can't take the chance of the Police wandering past at 11.22 and the place being full of people drinking. It's HIS license that is at risk at that time, not the drinkers.


Anyway, staff want to get off home. You drinkers know the rules - what's the problem with finishing by 11.20?


There is no problem finishing by 11:20 - the complaints here are those pubs where the bouncers are hassling people to drink up and p*** off at 11pm as soon as time is called.


However looking from the other side these towny bars that are big barns with large crowds of people in and music are harder to empty on time, and are more likely to have police watching them.


I think it may be a case of you pays your money, you makes your choice!

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The Bar I used to work at up north didn't generally have a problem with people staying over the 20 minute drinking time... unless there was a special night on at a local club and we just wanted to escape off out! Our problem was the bouncers, we had doorstaff on the door who were contracted out from an external company, as soon as the town hall clock hit 11.20 they were dragging people out and dumping them on the streets. They also worked for a nearby club so were desperate to get to the club after the bar shut, and therefore kicked them out as soon as possible.


There was little the management team could do about it, as the owner was the one who employed the bouncers, even though the it's the general managers name on the license, not the owners.

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But it's the trendy town centre places that spew out the most trouble makers onto the streets, so the police are on hand and watching. Kicking out time stringing out to 23.30 or 40 is a good way to loose your licence or not get it renewed if the police don't support your application.


If word gets round that you're more lax with drinking up time than anywhere else, you'll attract the sort of people who take a particular interest in that info.

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Originally posted by Andy C

I wonder if things will improve under the new licensing laws.... roll on November!


It depends how bars use the new licencing laws. Remember just because extended licences are available doesn't mean everyone will want them. For example if a place currently closes at 11pm, they may apply for an extension til 1am, but they still have to get people out when they close. I don't see many managers/licencees happily sitting around until 5am while a couple of people finish off their last shandys. I'm sure the bigger clubs, especially if they already host all nighters, will be happy to keep the bar open later but other than that i predict just a small shift towards later opening bars rather than a 24-hour free for all everywhere.


Anyone know how supermarkets and the like are affected? I'm waiting for a reply from Spar, imagine the chaos if the Ecce Road Spar is selling alcohol when the pubs and clubs close?!?! Not great for my business either... :(



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