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Moody waitresses

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How hard is it to crack a smile when you are taking people's orders and serving people's food? Went to platillos on the w/e and thought they were a right moody bunch! The place was empty so it wasn't exactly busy...


I've been a waitress before and it can be hard at times - if the food the chef has cooked is rubbish, you get the flak. You are on your feet all night. But I think you have a duty to be nice to paying customers. I can put up with it in shops but it's worse at a restaurant as you have to put up with them all evening!


Weekend before, the waitress at the Red Lion near Anston ruined my mum and dads silver anniversary meal! Luckily they could see the funny side of it and put it down to the menopause :hihi:


Best waiters and waitresses in sheffield I think are at K Pasa :)

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I thought the deal being a waitress or waiter was that you got pretty crappy money and then made it up with tips? In order to get tips you have to give good service. So if you're a moody so and so you don't get the tips and therefore get crappy money. So why would you be moody with customers?

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its a hard job thats for sure but it always gets me when people who just shouldn't be dealing with the public are in those jobs...the UK is a bit of a joke in this respect, sometimes your left with the impression that they're doing you a favour or something when they serve you...worst I've had for this has been Nonnas and Rossi's on London Road. I won't go back when the service has been rude and not up to scratch, why do establishments let their staff be like this?? :huh:

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We said to the waitress in the pub the other night


Us: You look a bit rushed

her: Sorry?

Us: You look quite busy, been rushing from one table to another

Her: Oh sorry I thought you meant I'd rushed you!

Us: No! Of course not

Her: *puts plates etc back down* Well I am looking for another job

Us: Oh. *wondering how we'd got ourselves into this conversation"

Her: I'd like to work for the Home Office or something like that, I'm not sure how to go about it though. Do I have to wait for a job or should I just send my CV in? What do you think?


Oh dear... You know when you sit there and think - how did I get myself into this converstion?! She was nice enough, and we were nice enough back, we're just the kind of people that say hello, oh you look busy etc... and I think it bit us back this time! We don't know her from Adam, how can we advise her on her career?!

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Are there many career waitresses out there, though?


I was always sort of under the impression that waitressing was more of a part-time effort, while studenting or doing other work - hence maybe why the full 110% is not always there.


When I was a waitress, I thought gratuitous moodiness was allowed if you'd been groped by any member of that party ;)

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