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John McLaughlin/Mahavishnu Orchestra at the City Hall 1972?

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You've a hell of a memory for dates.Or have you still got all your old ticket stubs?


I originally remembered which bands and approximately which years (I went to shows in Sheffield between 1969-1973). Unfortunately, I lost the ticket stubs years ago, but now there are many many gig lists on the web to look this stuff up. Take a look at these:






I also collect live tapes so I try and keep track of this sort of thing.

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  • 5 years later...

Anybody have any more recollections about this show at the City Hall? I still can't find any independent verification.


I do remember that it was one of the more poorly attended gigs I went to back then. I think we had tickets for the balcony, but we moved down to the stalls because there were a bunch of empty seats.

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I remember early 70's getting into an obscure band from New Jersey USA. Through links this band sometimes played along with a guy named SouthSide Johnny and the Asbury Dukes. Imagine my surprise when they turned up supporting some UK band ( can't remember their name, anybody help ?).


Went into see SSJ then retired to the bar, not interested in the lead act and who walked in but SSJ. Had a few beers discussing my new favourite band from New Jersey. SSJ told me the band I was so into would be one of the biggest rock bands in the world and he was correct. Bruce Springsteen.

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Yes I was definitely there - at the behest of my girlfriend. I can honestly say I did not enjoy a single moment of their performance.

But then I have never really been into jazz-influenced, self-indulgent, pseudo avant-garde musicians from Doncaster.

There, I feel much better now:hihi:

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I saw MO at the City Hall in 1975 with Ralph Armstrong on bass and Narada Michael Walden on drums.

One thing I do remember is Narada Michael Walden had a guy sat behind him dressed in Eastern clothing all through the show and he would hold his hand after every tune. Probably his Guru blessing his performance!

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I remember buying Birds Of Fire album.

At the time I was getting Melody Maker and Sounds every week and had decided that if both gave an album a brilliant review I'd take a chance on it.

At first listening I was thinking mmm This might take a while to get into. Unfortunately I carried on thinking that till in the end I just gave up on it.

I was always looking to broaden my musical tastes but it was way beyond where I wanted to be.

Still got it in the loft somewhere with all the other acres of vinyl I bought at that time. Might dig it out and give it a listen, but, then again, probably not.

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