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Who are the Don Valley Railway?


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Well I for one think it's a great idea, i've printed off the petition sheet thats available on their webaite and will take it to the local post office tomorrow.


If everyone* takes 5 minutes to do that it might make a surprising difference :)


*Those with chronic pessimism omitted

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Originally posted by beansforyou

Well I for one think it's a great idea, i've printed off the petition sheet thats available on their webaite and will take it to the local post office tomorrow.


If everyone* takes 5 minutes to do that it might make a surprising difference :)


*Those with chronic pessimism omitted


It is good to see that there is some community spirit left in the world......:)

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Ineed i did!


I had a good chat with the Chairman and the rest of the gang and they seem pretty fired up about the whole project. They have some good plans, and i was pleasently surprised that they are sensible plans too!


They intend to run in a true "not for profit" way - all money made will go straight back into the running of the railway. Sounds good to me!


It will also take a load off the roads, especially when the 400+ new houses come along when the steelworks closes.


Overall i was dead impressed. :thumbsup:

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