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The Buccaneer, Leopold Street

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I wonder who like me, remembers a delightful little 70s pub called The Bucaneer


beers down Pinstone Street to the wide open spaces of The Nelson and put “See Emily Play” on the juke box - then we'd go back three days later to hear it, such was the backlog. There was a deep groove in the pavement between the two pubs, and on some evenings it was possible to meet the same people three or four times without ever being in the same building.


For me, it was the first place in the town centre where I felt like a local, and it changed my musical tastes for life. I shed a genuine tear the night it closed, and wore a black armband for weeks after it was pulled down. For those of us of a certain age, I truly believe that we never saw its like, before or since. The one consolation is that I can revisit The Buc at will, simply by digging out my “Aqualung” vinyl, or “Music from a Doll’s House” CD.


Do others have similar memories or did I dream all this?


I remember it well Bushbaby they were the days eh? :thumbsup:

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  • 2 months later...
And Folk nights at the Highcliffe Hotel to see Hedgehog Pie.


Yes I remember Highcliffe Hotel and seeing Tony Capstick and Hedgehog Pie perform.

I still have my Capstick LPs, of which I pride.

23rd October 03 was a sad day for the folk and comedy scene.

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  • 2 months later...
:love: The Buccaneer. Just seeing that name brings waves of nostalgia washing over me. I adored that place, plastic glasses and all. It was the first place I ever felt comfortable in, even though at times there was no room to breathe, it felt like home and I enjoyed the companionship of the other punters. The music was perfect for the time and that pub attracted so many gorgeous ladies and yes I can remember most of them. I would agree the toilets were very rough, especially around 10.30pm when the lavs were overflowing! The other downside was when the lights suddenly appeared usually to the accompaniment of Van Der Graaf Generator`s "Theme One", after hours of darkness it really hurt the eyes. We were so sad when it closed that final night, then elated when someone said it was still open the following dinnertime so we all raced up from Pond Hill for a drink, arranging to meet again that night. But that really was it! Gone Forever! I can still visualise that night stood on the steps looking at all the bewildered punters wondering where to go. That place had its faults but I would do anything just to go back for one more night, especially if all those lovely nurses were there!:love:
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Me and my friends went to the last night shindig. I can remember the last song to be played was Hey Jude by the Beatles. Everyone in the place was standing and singing along. When the DJ said goodnight everyone started to grab things. I only wanted something like an ashtray as a keepsake but within thirty seconds nothing was left but a small table. I grabbed ran out on to Leopold Street and raced round to West Street. I remember standing on it whilst trying to direct the traffic!! (You have to remember I was only 17 at the time) I still have the table.

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Hi casten, I believe you are right with 1973. I proposed to the missus in the Buccaneer and we were married in July 1974. We did not have a long engagement because after the Bucc. closed we really had nowhere to go!:hihi: We certainly married sooner than later, I believe the closure had a fair bit to do with it, but as we have been together for almost 32 years, its nice to think something good came from its demise.:) However, I still wish I could go back in time for one long endless night in that wonderful place.:love:

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