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The Buccaneer, Leopold Street

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Yeah we all remember the good old Buc, the plastic pint pots, the bogs that were always swimming by closing time, beer like rat pee, warm Newcy Brown, sweating like a dog because it was packed solid day and night, the stench of Patchouli Oil, and paying too much for the beer cos that's where ya mates were going to meet you................>sigh< yes I remember it well, and would I go back to all the crap? You bet your sweet life I would, it was my second home. :love:

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  • 5 months later...

The “Bucc” was quite clever at theming their music in line with concerts at the neighbouring City Hall

So, for instance, on a night when Bowie was performing next door, there would be lots of Lou Reed, Roxy, and maybe even some records by Bowie himself playing. This meant that concertgoers could warm up for the gig, while having a pint in a plastic mug (instead of hanging around the city hall shouting ”Wally!!”) and they could meet up again afterwards and discuss the highlight of the night (Life on Mars) before heading down to Pond Street for the “Last Bus Whistle”

I remember on the night of a scheduled Steely Dan concert which had been cancelled, (Don Fagen had a throat infection) they played quite a few tracks from the band’s first two albums, as many of the pub’s punters would have been in the auditorium. It was a kind of consolation prize (Let’s see what you would’ve won!!) and took away the sting.

(By the way, we were told to hang on to our tickets as the concert would be rescheduled. When? I’ve still got mine and it’s been over thirty years now!!)

On another occasion, when Yes were debuting their Topographic Oceans set, those of us left behind in the pub were treated to a selection of songs from a period when they were still a good band, and not totally lost up their own aerosols. (Yours is no disgrace, Roundabout etc)


I don’t know if places like the Nelson and the Corp are able to create this kind of “personal” touch these days. It would be sad if they can’t.

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  • 2 months later...
Jeez, I was at every one of these. Do we know eachother.

Pete Green was actually invited along by a hippy who shared a flat with him in Brighton, cannot remember his name, tall, long curly blonde hair, rimless glasses. It will come to me soon.

He jammed with a band called Redhead Yorke who were terrible and Pete looked very uncomfortable for most of the set.


Also at Weston Park, what about Shape of the Rain (Black Swan regulars) or McCloskeys doing their versions of Wild Thing and Summertime Blues. What a summer that was!!!


The best bands were always on at the Students Union, Free, Genesis, Who, Humble Pie, great days.

I was the one who organised the Weston Park concerts and although I never shared a flat with Peter Green the rest of your description of me is accurate.Incidentally. my mates and I never went to the Buc on a point of principle.When they opened the place, the manager gave an interview to the Star saying long haired lads wouldn't be admitted as they were troublemakers.Somewhere along the way the management changed their minds but didn't give another interview saying they had been wrong and apologising for the insult.We were all well and truly P'd off and refused to go.Anyway,alcohol was not suited to that kind of music.We had something else.Heh heh.

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Yeah, you're probably right there...Although one truly great "Support Act" moment was when I saw Feelgood on the Stupidity tour. Support was a group of Asbos from Manchester (doing Care in the community I think) called "Alberto Y Lost Trior Paranoias" They were very much a mickey take of evrything around at the time, but they did it with such panache it was irrestible



Saw alberto lot at top rank they had single out head down nonsense mindless boogie in top fifty

they were supported by three blonde haired guys called The police

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Once stood behind Entwhistle at the bar in the Albert!! - My claim to fame!! Then saw em uknock our socks off across the road..


Met townsend in the old red lion at back of city hall he was hammered two of the roadies were holding up hour later christ knows how, he was playing like a gudn

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Saw alberto lot at top rank they had single out head down nonsense mindless boogie in top fifty

they were supported by three blonde haired guys called The police


It should have stayed that way round - at least the Albertos had a sense of humour!

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I was the one who urganised the Weston Park concerts and although I never shared a flat with Peter Green the rest of your description of me is accurate.



Hey Glyn,


great to hear you are well and living in the land of the rising sun.


We were never big buddies but I used to bump in to you all over the place. Mojo and Down Broadway in early days. Once met you at Middle Earth (Mid Earth?) and you introduced me to a couple of bands, Groundhogs or Uriah Heap rings a bell, definitely prog outfits but it was a long time ago and that is probably total rubbish. Do you still have the Afghan coat????????


You also turned me on to Robert Johson who I had never heard off at the time (around '69) but you told me to rent his album from central library. Life changing moment, thanks.



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Hi all. Thanks for rattling the memory cells. The Buccaneer will always be the place. I even had a wedding reception there! It must be the only pub where people actually queued to get in on Saturday afternoons. The live bands at the Mucky Duck were legendary whatever happened to Alberto y los trios Paranoias and yes I was there at the legendary Pattos Christmas pantomime

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