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Why do pubs play music so loud?


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I don't go to many pubs but when i do, it's usually to meet up with friends, have a chat and catch up on how everyone is. Most of the pubs play music so loud that it's difficult to have a proper conversation. Is it just me? What do you think?

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Music is almost always too loud in pubs.

The main complaint I have is that pubs should have loud areas and quiet areas, so that you can chat in one end and sit in loud music at the other. At the moment all pubs have lots of speakers all over and they are all on full.

When you start to have hearing problems [like I do] due to excessive amplified music. I often find loud tinny music in pubs extremely painful. And I'm only in my mid 30s.

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Originally posted by Hels

I don't go to many pubs but when i do, it's usually to meet up with friends, have a chat and catch up on how everyone is. Most of the pubs play music so loud that it's difficult to have a proper conversation. Is it just me? What do you think?


If the music was ever any good you wouldn't need to talk.

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There was a programme on recently where they surveyed the noise levels in several pubs in Leeds, and found the noise level were similar to standing next to a pneumatic drill with no ear protectors on. They were concerned that there is going to be a whole generation of people with severe hearing problems.


I hate it when the music is that load, what's the point? Yuo would maybe expect the music to be a bit louder on the dance floor, but in a bar you can't even talk to the person standing next to you, let alone a group of people.


At the same time, it is nice to have a bit of background music - as long as it stays as background music!

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Prehaps people who are unable to engage in meaningful conversation (because music is too loud) ... spend more time drinking ......


I think you've got it there.


Research by Notts Uni back in the 80s showed that the less seating there is available, the dimmer the lighting & the louder the music the more people are likely to drink in pubs.

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Originally posted by Siân

I think you've got it there.


Research by Notts Uni back in the 80s showed that the less seating there is available, the dimmer the lighting & the louder the music the more people are likely to drink in pubs.


I think that makes sense. If your mouth isn't preoccupied with talking then it can drink without being disturbed. I've noticed that myself, if I'm not talking I'll guzzle beer. Think it's a nerves thing.

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