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Why do pubs play music so loud?


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This has been a personal bugbear of mine for a long time, it's not that I mind music in pubs, jukeboxes are fine and the occasional DJ is no problem. But when it seems that the management are trying to drown out conversation in favour of making people drink more, that sticks in my craw.


A prime example of this was The Harley on new years eve. On the night a DJ was playing from about half an hour after the doors opened. Now this was a bog-standard DJ who stood out in no way as anything special and was so loud you had to shout to make yourself heard to the person standing next to you. All this wouldn't have been so bad but for the fact that the ignorant so and so played right through the countdown to midnight and all present missed the moment that defines the whole experience of new year!

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all to make more people drink. you cant talk so you might as well just drink.


nuts at bar (to get ur thirst back) not many stools and i hear that they are trying to get rid of any surfaces where you can put your drink down!! haha. its like being treated like a bunch of cattle.


background music is fine. no music is rubbish. too loud is awful

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Originally posted by Jamie

Prehaps people who are unable to engage in meaningful conversation (because music is too loud) ... spend more time drinking ......


Yes, Jamie that is true. I also sets a kind of pace that makes the adrenaline flow and makes you reach for your drink more frequently.

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Originally posted by MTheo

i hear that they are trying to get rid of any surfaces where you can put your drink down!! haha. its like being treated like a bunch of cattle.


Why does that not surprise me... The trouble is that it is sometimes hard to chose which bars you go to. If you arrange to meet a group of people you don't always get that much say.

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Originally posted by MTheo

not many stools and i hear that they are trying to get rid of any surfaces where you can put your drink down!! haha. its like being treated like a bunch of cattle.

Not been in there myself, but this is exactly what 'Sharkeys' bar on Regents Street (up from Boots on West Street) appears to be doing! Spooky :o

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Originally posted by Geoff

Not been in there myself, but this is exactly what 'Sharkeys' bar on Regents Street (up from Boots on West Street) appears to be doing! Spooky :o

Are these the type of places now called Vertical Drinking Establishments, which the government and new licensing rules are trying to put a stop to, with much more expensive licences?


And with respect to music volume. When the Casbah reopened I quickly realised that the extremely loud modern sound sysem they now had downstairs, which they refuse to have on anything but full blast, meant that I couldn't go in anymore unless I wore earplugs, due to the pain it gave me in my hearing, and resulting tinnitis afterward.


Dulo just off London road, manage to have a great sound when they have their DJ sets on. It is quite possible to sit in the room near the DJ and have a conversation. I applaud this approach, and find it welcoming and much less aggressive.


It wouldn't surprise me if you get more trouble with louder music. As how can you relax if you have to shout in your friends ear to hear any conversation.

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