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Parkour/freerunning clubs

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Ryan. We meet regularly (Saturdays are your best bet) and anyone is welcome to join, we don't charge - if you come along you'll just be training with us and practising the moves we'll show you at your own pace.


Our new meeting spot is at the University of Sheffield (we've moved away from Hallam now) so if you're interested just go to http://www.northernparkour.com and post in the Sheffield forum explaining that Ben pointed you there from here.


The same goes to anyone else. Any questions just shoot here.

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Hi i wanted to learn how to do a back flip so went down to a gymnastics place on Broard field Rd Friday evening 6:30 the guys there were great they let me fool around in the big foam pit and there were some parkour guys there practicing, they showed me how to perform a flip and after about 3 weeeks i could and still can do one


so you could try there.

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If backflips and other gymnastics are what you want to learn, definitely go to Steel City Gym on Broadfield Road. The sessions are Thursdays and Fridays 6:30-8:30 for £6 each. It's a really great session and you'll have fun and the guys there will teach you what you want to learn! Say hi to Danny France!


However if what you want to learn is parkour, which is the art of practising efficient movement, getting from A to B, then you're best off practising this outside (for free) with the Sheffield Parkour guys on Saturdays in town.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 7 months later...
Hi Ryan. We meet regularly (Saturdays are your best bet) and anyone is welcome to join, we don't charge - if you come along you'll just be training with us and practising the moves we'll show you at your own pace.


Our new meeting spot is at the University of Sheffield (we've moved away from Hallam now) so if you're interested just go to http://www.northernparkour.com and post in the Sheffield forum explaining that Ben pointed you there from here.


The same goes to anyone else. Any questions just shoot here.

what age groups is it :)
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  • 1 year later...

Hi does anyone know of any free running/parkour clubs in the Woodhouse area for aged 12 please. My son and his friends are really interested in this and just wanted to find out if there were any for him to get involved in before he starts his own



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