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Wearing full make up to the gym - why?

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Call I be called Bagsy? :hihi:


I know what you mean. Where are these superdupercharged women from? :hihi: I tried doing this when I was younger, and found that I quickly rather spend a few more hours asleep than to get up and do my makeup and hair. I annoy myself when I spend so much time messing around with my hair.


I think it can be done for a short while, but over long term, and especially if you have a hectic job, it's hardly relaxing. Between looking pretty and being sane. I rather be sane with a bit more sleep.


Gosh, you girls are dedicated. I don't think I can do morning gym.


Bagsy, believe you me it kills me to wake up that time for work never mind for the gym and when I am in there working solid for 2 hours on cardio and weight machines.


I just go as I am and honestly some of the looks people give you.....its like they have never seen a.......... should I say it dare I say it a normal looking person before......:hihi:


Yesterday afternoon was at the gym bob it was pretty quiet (I am setting the scene) and in walks in Brad Pit........:o I wish


No really. I was working on a machine that works your upper body and below that room is the swimming pool and sauna area there are lots windows in the room that I work in.


Anyway as I am punshing my body with my 80th rep. I see this "older" more like fruity old man come out of the sauna room. I can see him clearly and he can see me as he is about to walk off he walks back to and stands where I can see him (idiot) There is me thinking do I stop what I am doing.......carry on........ as I get pretty shy in situations like this. Anyway anyway he stands there and me like an idiot carrys on as normal and for the whole five minutes I was working out he did every pose under the sun and if any advertisers need a posing model for a water bottle advert this man is your man. He eventually moved (so I thought) I took a break on this machine but was still sat on it and thought I would do 100 more (sad I know and it kills me) the same man walks pasts again and sees me and and just stood there staring! Anyway I did not feel uncomfortable with this and moved onto another machine where the "stud" could not see into that room.

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