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Blocked ears, now perforated, how long to heal?

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I've had a blocked ear for a week now and it's driving me mental. I've got maybe 5-10% of my normal hearing in my right ear and after a childhood history of ear problems only around 75-80% in my left ear anyway.

I can't hear everything I feel I need to, like the kids talking to me, walloping each other, etc etc

There's wax on occasions but I've made my ear sore trying to clean it, I've tried lying on a hot water bottle to loosen it, ear drops, cotton buds, olive oil and 'popping' my ears.

I need a solution before it drives me insane. I read on google somewhere that ear candles are very good. That's great but I want them NOW!

I can't go the herbalist at M'hell to get them to do it tomorrow as I'll have got the twingles on my own, same Tuesday, work and twingles Wed.... you get the picture.

Where can I buy them OR who could do it tomorrow after 5pm OR have you got other solutions other than chopping the damn thing off?


~EDIT 16th June 08

Following the previous problem, within 5 days of eventually having to have my ears syringed I caught a horrible flu virus and then within 3 days had both ears infected and shortly after that both ear drums perforated. It's now been around 9 or 10 days that I've had a serious hearing loss whichis affecting everything. I can't do most of my work, I'm struggling with my kids (they drew all over the playroom wall and I had no idea because I couldn't hear them doing anything), my balance is off and I feel really isolated because I'm struggling to hear much at all.

I've been taking antibiotics and painkillers and I've had to lay off most of the pain killers after giving myself a terrible acid stomach.

Any ideas how long this will take to heal? I've read up to 4 weeks on the internet.

My doc was fairly useless and looked at me like I was wasting his time when I went in and certainly didn't suggest I went back.

So, now what?

Is there anything I can do to speed it up?

It seems to have got worse over the last couple of days, less hearing if that's possible. Can you re-perforate one which was healing? It's like being underwater so I wonder if there's fluid in there? Sudafed can't be taken with my antibiotics but I could get a few in over night - will it help?

I really intensely hate this and I'm hemorraging earnings as a result of being unable to hear. Any advice would be good.

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Lay off the cotton buds!!!! You're impacting the wax even more and you might burst your eardrums! :o


I know, it's damn annoying and I often poke my ear 'oles with an arm of my specs ;) But I did burst the drum one day so I know what I'm talking about ;)


Just keep on with laying on a warm hot water bottle, put some oil in them (or onion water!), try a decongestant and inhaling some vapour to clear the eustachian tubes. But NO MORE POKING! OK? ;) You'll only make the ear canal swell.

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You might have an ear infection behind the drum - so you need to let it clear! But no more poking or you will make it worse *slaps hands*.


Using an onion might work though - you can use the water an onion has been boiled in to dribble in your ear or sleep with one in your pillowcase! Anything is worth a try with damn blocked ears....

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I've had a blocked ear for a week now and it's driving me mental. I've got maybe 5-10% of my normal hearing in my right ear and after a childhood history of ear problems only around 75-80% in my left ear anyway.

I can't hear everything I feel I need to, like the kids talking to me, walloping each other, etc etc

There's wax on occasions but I've made my ear sore trying to clean it, I've tried lying on a hot water bottle to loosen it, ear drops, cotton buds, olive oil and 'popping' my ears.

I need a solution before it drives me insane. I read on google somewhere that ear candles are very good. That's great but I want them NOW!

I can't go the herbalist at M'hell to get them to do it tomorrow as I'll have got the twingles on my own, same Tuesday, work and twingles Wed.... you get the picture.

Where can I buy them OR who could do it tomorrow after 5pm OR have you got other solutions other than chopping the damn thing off?


Sounds like you need your ears syringing at the doctors.I have mine done every two years.Im amazed at the amount of wax that comes out.

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Syringing is my last option, I've never had it done yet and always figured I should be able to manage without. But I'll do it if I have to.


Pritt - thanks, don't suppose you happen to know if either is open tomorrow?

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Not sure zebra - i doubt it. However, there is a 'hippy' cafe at the end of sharrowvale rd - the end oppsite to the hunters bar end. Within a few shops of Wasabi Sbi. I've bought them there too and it's more likely ro be open tomorrow. Where 'SIMUNYE' used to be, I think.

£7 again.


The junction of sharow lane and london rd. Hurrah!!

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