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Blocked ears, now perforated, how long to heal?

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That's a good one.

I must say, I'm generally ms extremely-well-behaved with my ears but it's been that bad and so much gunk has come out and I can feel it loosening when I do but then it gunks up again.

If I pop my ears it clears for a second and sticks back together.

Maybe that makes it glue ear?

(Flipping super glue ear!)


Get yerself to the doctor!!! Or, if the surgery has one, the Nurse led clinic.


These days, they tend not to syringe if they can help it. Will probably advise putting in oil - or some other stuff I can't remember the name of - and then the nurse will carefully scrape out the loosened wax.

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Latex glue? That stuff they use on Fish tanks?




*Jabbers legs it*


If I catch you, I'll glue yer legs together with silicone!!! :hihi:


Then you won't be able to dissolve it by peeing yourself.

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Get yerself to the doctor!!! Or, if the surgery has one, the Nurse led clinic.


These days, they tend not to syringe if they can help it. Will probably advise putting in oil - or some other stuff I can't remember the name of - and then the nurse will carefully scrape out the loosened wax.

Pah, not a big fan of the docs ( not that they haven't been nice) but this is one of those things which I'm sure I can sort out without waiting until Tuesday.

Though thinking about it, I could kill two birds with one stone.

Thinking again, no one is going to scrape my ears out :gag:

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Pah, not a big fan of the docs ( not that they haven't been nice) but this is one of those things which I'm sure I can sort out without waiting until Tuesday.

Though thinking about it, I could kill two birds with one stone.

Thinking again, no one is going to scrape my ears out :gag:


Zebra - I can't urge you strongly enough to see your G.P


You can only treat the problem once you know what it is - and at the moment, you can't be entirely sure you do. Treating something incorrectly can make it far, far worse.


If it's an infection then it will need treating with medication. If it's a build up of wax then it will need to be softened with olive oil before being picked out/syringed out by a Practice Nurse.


It could also be Eustachian tube dysfunction - which is an entirely different thing altogether.


Trust me on this one! Go and see your Doctor - immediately - and put nothing else in your ear until you have - or you run the risk of making the problem worse.


EDIT: I DEFINITELY wouldn't use ear candles at the moment. If ever. They can be potentially dangerous.

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Definitely go to a doctor.I have just been to Vietnam on holiday and my ears never popped on landing and my hearing became almost negligible.So I went to a local doctor(trained in Amsterdam) he had a look said "ear infection" gave me 2 lots of 6 tablets cleared my ears out,Charged me $45 USD.3 days later perfect hearing.

Don't mess about.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Following the previous problem, within 5 days of eventually having to have my ears syringed I caught a horrible flu virus and then within 3 days had both ears infected and shortly after that both ear drums perforated. It's now been around 9 or 10 days that I've had a serious hearing loss whichis affecting everything. I can't do most of my work, I'm struggling with my kids (they drew all over the playroom wall and I had no idea because I couldn't hear them doing anything), my balance is off and I feel really isolated because I'm struggling to hear much at all.

I've been taking antibiotics and painkillers and I've had to lay off most of the pain killers after giving myself a terrible acid stomach.

Any ideas how long this will take to heal? I've read up to 4 weeks on the internet.

My doc was fairly useless and looked at me like I was wasting his time when I went in and certainly didn't suggest I went back.

So, now what?

Is there anything I can do to speed it up?

It seems to have got worse over the last couple of days, less hearing if that's possible. Can you re-perforate one which was healing? It's like being underwater so I wonder if there's fluid in there? Sudafed can't be taken with my antibiotics but I could get a few in over night - will it help?

I really intensely hate this and I'm heamorraging earnings as a result of being unable to hear. Any advice would be good.

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The only suggestion I can put forward is for you to visit the A&E at your local hotal, Zebra.


It seems as though you're wasting your time trying to obtain specific information on the short to medium term future relating to your hearing problem from your GP, so maybe A&E will refer you directly to their Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist.

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