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Poi lessons anywhere?


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Hey there... :D

Just bought my very first pair of poi after being entranced by them for ages and not knowing what they were. Went outside in the garden and no doubt confused one or two neighbours but so far have mastered the basics.


I've got forward swing and backward swing down to a tee and just about managed split swinging, I can kinda do butterfly after a few minor concussions but I've only been doing it for a few minutes cos its blooming cold out there!


Just curious if anyone knows of anywhere that might do poi lessons, the answer will probably be a resounding no and I'll be smashing up the living room trying to practise along to a video, but I thought I might as well ask. :D


Cheers for any info


Mosh xxxxx

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To the best of my knowledge poi is a form of staff spinning, but I think you can use other instruments, many people at corp do it upstairs, you may get info there Mosh in the seating area by the DJ. Devonshire green is a place people do it also, one instrument used a rope with some coloured form of ball on the end which some set alight. I think it's quite cool and would love to give it a try one time.

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  • 4 months later...

hi spinny type people!

If anyone fancies a spin with me in the botanics or somewhere like that jus give me a shout! Not into "teaching" people but if we meet up and have a spin im sure i will learn something from you and i hope you can learn something from me!

Happy spinning!

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