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The Bradway Hotel

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I don't think that's too controversial is it?


It is sadly. Perhaps repeatedly showing you the flaws in what you consider to be logic will eventually cause the synapses (synapse?) to fire and make the appropriate connection. So here we go again <sigh>.


You say:


I am agreeing with you that the problem I refer to is in a specific area of Bradway, around the Bradway pub"


Problem? You've quoted a few very minor examples of a few kids hanging around. And even so a) your anecdotes may now be consigned to the historical, because as stated earlier in this thread the last owners of the pub encouraged such types. The manager of the Murco has reportedly recently thanked the new owners of The Bradway for their new policy, because it has greatly improved the dodgy sorts issue. b) you speak of "a specific area of Bradway". Why you just tell it as it is and say "at the border of Bradway and Greenhill", as you're make it sound as if the issue could be in the heart of Bradway.


You also say:


and that no doubt there are parts of Bradway which are not affected.


What, you mean all of it apart from the border of S8/S17? And even that may be dubious (see above). Honestly, you word these postings to convey an impression which is entirely misleading.


Finally, you spout:


I'm making the further point though that once an "area" gets a bad name, the whole of that area becomes tarnished with it, not just one street or outer fringe of the place.


Yes and I wonder how that happens? By idiots posting on public forums talking great big hairy cahonas (and that's you I'm talking about here DippyDore).

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I am at liberty to voice my opinion on here every bit as much as you are. So please don't try telling me what to post and what not to post.




I see you don't take your own advice, we too are entitled to our opinions on people views also. However, only a stupid man would stipulate his opinion as fact.

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gosh only just seen the replies since my post on this thread, dippyDore seems to have dug themselves into a big hole........

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Everyone is entitled to an opinion and also entitled to air it on a public forum.


Of course they are. And me calling the hydranencephalic one (that's Dippy Dore to you and me) an idiot is simply another opinion aired on a public forum. Now do you have a problem with me posting that or not? ;-)

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ive been living in bradway for 3 years now and think the new tenants in the bradway hotel are doing a bloody good job. i frequent the castle and mother red cap (when im skint) when i want somthing a little quieter.i think its just what we need in bradway all 3 pubs are diffrent. the bradway gives people in the area the choice of some were with a bit of a town feel to drink in.

the best thing in there is the new ginger bar lad on friday and saturday nights hes soooooooooooo hot.

i hope the threads on here are genuine and not sour pub owners.

give me an L

give me an O

give me an U

give me an N

give me an G

give me an E

what you got :loopy::loopy::loopy::loopy::loopy::loopy: no apple sourz.

keep it up lads and lasses everything has room for improvement but you know that and thats why you will do well. fridays rule for food

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