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Chestnut man in pond street


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Can anyone remember the chestnut man who had his cart just outside the" Penny Black" pub in the sixties.Me and my brother used to go to watch Sheff United and walk to Pond street after the match and wait for the number 46 to darnall and buy a bag of chestnuts to share ( tanner ) I think and there were six to a bag. We had three apiece and you could guarantee the last one was always bad

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Originally posted by Greybeard

Roasting chestnuts seems to make them bitter, - my gran used to boil them and they always tasted sweet....and used to peel completely clean.


As kids we used to gather them in Ecclesall woods but they never were as big as the imported Spanish nuts in the greengrocers.


i think those chestnuts from the woods are known as sweet chestnuts - we used to gather them too - i have a feeling they're from a different type of chestnut tree from those imported ones .... and you're right - they were small and sweet ... delicious


re the burnt coat incident ... are you two mother and daughter IRL ...? spooky ....

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Yes, as a bus inspector working in Pond St, I remember this stall very well, in fact, I think he was still there into the 70's, he always did a brisk trade as christmas came close, the smell of the chestnuts roasting used to carry into the bus station, very nice.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I remember the chestnut man, we used to go to pond street to get the bus, and buy a bag of chestnuts, I now live in saskatchewan canada, and have tried to cook the chestnuts just like he did..somehow they don't taste the same

Originally posted by sharkw

Can anyone remember the chestnut man who had his cart just outside the" Penny Black" pub in the sixties.Me and my brother used to go to watch Sheff United and walk to Pond street after the match and wait for the number 46 to darnall and buy a bag of chestnuts to share ( tanner ) I think and there were six to a bag. We had three apiece and you could guarantee the last one was always bad

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