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Oh my god, I cannot stop laughing that you honestly think a poster will stop knife crime. And you think I'm the one with a messed up head.


Excuse me I'm going to have to get on the gas and air, you're killing me with your comedy Halibut.


Positive effort my backside, more like complete and utter waste of time.


If you can find the bit where I said I thought a poster campaign would stop knife crime, please quote it; I don't recall saying that.


If you don't believe that love can turn the lives of young offenders around why not take a look at the work of Camila Batmanghelidjh, the founder of Kids Company ( Their motto is 'love is all it takes' )



89% of the troubled and often extremely violent kids who pass through her care don't go on to reoffend. She changes their lives through love.


Pretty good eh?

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Read the piece about KIds Company. Please.

Stop trying to love and embrace the entire human race, when frankly some people are not worth anyone's time or effort.


Every human being has an intrinsic value; everybody is worth time and effort

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Hi Buck, It's warming to have one's deepest suspicions confirmed. I always had you down for an old softie at heart.

A lovely story and yes, love is wonderful. We have found something to agree on. My regards to you and your granddaughter. :)


Gosh - I would never tell my kids that I hate them - ever. Even when I'm very cross with them I reassure them that although I'm angry, I still love them. Then that's usually the end of the matter. They are very good kids and extremely loving towards us as we always have been towards them. They are respectful, well adjusted and highly sociable with lots of friends.


In my view, there's nothing worse for a child than feeling unloved. One night, 4 years ago, my daughter was playing me up so much and refusing to go to bed etc. Mr Suffy was away and I was at the end of my tether and was frightened that I was really going to lose it so I sent her to my mum's for the night. She still hasn't forgotten this and mentions it to this day. She clearly felt that she was going off to Granny's because I didn't love her anymore even though I've reassured her countless times that this was not the reason.


Children should feel loved at all times. On the whole, it's the ones who don't who develop anti-social behaviour. Most kids will rebel at one time or another, however, if they've been brought up to feel loved, love in return and to respect people - they will more often than not get back on track of their own accord.


Puressence (somewhat of an ironic username for one so cynical) - I don't know if you have children or not, but do you not think that children should be loved unconditionally?

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Gosh - I would never tell my kids that I hate them - ever. Even when I'm very cross with them I reassure them that although I'm angry, I still love them. Then that's usually the end of the matter. They are very good kids and extremely loving towards us as we always have been towards them. They are respectful, well adjusted and highly sociable with lots of friends.


In my view, there's nothing worse for a child than feeling unloved. One night, 4 years ago, my daughter was playing me up so much and refusing to go to bed etc. Mr Suffy was away and I was at the end of my tether and was frightened that I was really going to lose it so I sent her to my mum's for the night. She still hasn't forgotten this and mentions it to this day. She clearly felt that she was going off to Granny's because I didn't love her anymore even though I've reassured her countless times that this was not the reason.


Children should feel loved at all times. On the whole, it's the ones who don't who develop anti-social behaviour. Most kids will rebel at one time or another, however, if they've been brought up to feel loved, love in return and to respect people - they will more often than not get back on track of their own accord.


Puressence (somewhat of an ironic username for one so cynical) - I don't know if you have children or not, but do you not think that children should be loved unconditionally?



You will love your own children unconditionally, but this does not mean that society should love everyone unconditionally or see 'the good' in everyone. Some people have no good in them at all.


My username has nothing to do with my outlook on life, which I think you would descrive as bleak, but what I would call being a realist. It's the name of my favourite band, which you would tell if you clicked the link of my signature. You wouldn't like them though. Very downbeat, cynical and moody I'm afraid.

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You will love your own children unconditionally, but this does not mean that society should love everyone unconditionally or see 'the good' in everyone. Some people have no good in them at all.


My username has nothing to do with my outlook on life, which I think you would descrive as bleak, but what I would call being a realist. It's the name of my favourite band, which you would tell if you clicked the link of my signature. You wouldn't like them though. Very downbeat, cynical and moody I'm afraid.


Take a step into the light PureessenceUK, There is good in everyone. Without exception!

Sometimes it gets lost in the trials and tribulations and hurly burley of life. It's there though...all the time!

I know there is more to you than the bitterness and disrespect you have exhibited.

Your purest essence is love...enjoy it! :love:

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You will love your own children unconditionally, but this does not mean that society should love everyone unconditionally or see 'the good' in everyone. Some people have no good in them at all.


My username has nothing to do with my outlook on life, which I think you would descrive as bleak, but what I would call being a realist. It's the name of my favourite band, which you would tell if you clicked the link of my signature. You wouldn't like them though. Very downbeat, cynical and moody I'm afraid.


I'm actually also quite a cynic, but having had children and being lucky enough to have a wonderful husband and lots of fabulous friends, my faith in humankind has been restored.


My point was that if perhaps more people were brought up with more love etc then they would be less inclined to resort to violence and anti-social behaviour.


Sadly, most people are inherently selfish, I agree, but if we all made more of an effort not to be then everyone would benefit in my view. Believe you me, I am no Pollyanna.


Sorry about the confusion over your username!

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Take a step into the light PureessenceUK, There is good in everyone. Without exception!

Sometimes it gets lost in the trials and tribulations and hurly burley of life. It's there though...all the time!

I know there is more to you than the bitterness and disrespect you have exhibited.

Your purest essence is love...enjoy it! :love:


My experience shows that some people are simply evil with no redeeming qualities at all.

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My experience shows that some people are simply evil with no redeeming qualities at all.


That's only a tiny minority though. I agree, some people are beyond help, but I think the majority can be or have been very badly damaged in childhood. With a lot of help and support, it is possible to turn the latter group around.

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That's only a tiny minority though. I agree, some people are beyond help, but I think the majority can be or have been very badly damaged in childhood. With a lot of help and support, it is possible to turn the latter group around.



I'm in week 3 of packing up the tabs, so I'm being even more of a miserable sod than normal. Right now I'd have trouble seeing the good in Mother Teresa.

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I'm in week 3 of packing up the tabs, so I'm being even more of a miserable sod than normal. Right now I'd have trouble seeing the good in Mother Teresa.


I always did. Takes more than sticking a tea-towel on your head to make someone a saint, in my book. ;)

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