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I'm in week 3 of packing up the tabs, so I'm being even more of a miserable sod than normal. Right now I'd have trouble seeing the good in Mother Teresa.


I know how hard stopping is, I've done it a few times. :hihi:


Talking about it helps enormously. If you want a sympathetic ear over a glass of something nice PM me. :)

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I'm in week 3 of packing up the tabs, so I'm being even more of a miserable sod than normal. Right now I'd have trouble seeing the good in Mother Teresa.


The best way is to replace one addiction with another healthier one. When I stopped smoking I found it a great help to periodically inject heroin into my eyeballs - this may work for you, but please check with your GP as in some cases it may turn out to be more harmful than the tabs!

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I'm in week 3 of packing up the tabs, so I'm being even more of a miserable sod than normal. Right now I'd have trouble seeing the good in Mother Teresa.


Congratulations though, you should be proud of yourself, it's an incredibly hard addiction to kick.

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Hi Buck, It's warming to have one's deepest suspicions confirmed. I always had you down for an old softie at heart.

A lovely story and yes, love is wonderful. We have found something to agree on. My regards to you and your granddaughter. :)

I'm an old fool at times, but my grandchildren bring me back to reality. Sure they hate me when I have to discipline them,but good humour always wins in the end. Hatred to a little girl is that ice cream she didn't get. So when I take all three of my grandaughters out fot ice cream its hot fudge sundaes all around, with all of them watching out for who gets my cherry. None of them get it, because it would be WW111. When I just have one of them, its understood that poppas are not entitled to cherrys. If only life among adults was as simple as grandchildren make it. Lauren will learn the business of family love when she's born in August. Cousins Michaela and Megan, and sister Victoria will make sure she learns.
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Hi Buck, It's warming to have one's deepest suspicions confirmed. I always had you down for an old softie at heart.

A lovely story and yes, love is wonderful. We have found something to agree on. My regards to you and your granddaughter. :)

I'm an old fool at times, but my grandchildren bring me back to reality. Sure they hate me when I have to discipline them,but good humour always wins in the end. Hatred to a little girl is that ice cream she didn't get. So when I take all three of my grandaughters out fot ice cream its hot fudge sundaes all around, with all of them watching out for who gets my cherry. None of them get it, because it would be WW111. When I just have one of them, its understood that poppas are not entitled to cherrys. If only life among adults was as simple as grandchildren make it. Lauren will learn the business of family love when she's born in August. Cousins Michaela and Megan, and sister Victoria will make sure she learns.
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Gosh - I would never tell my kids that I hate them - ever. Even when I'm very cross with them I reassure them that although I'm angry, I still love them. Then that's usually the end of the matter. They are very good kids and extremely loving towards us as we always have been towards them. They are respectful, well adjusted and highly sociable with lots of friends.


In my view, there's nothing worse for a child than feeling unloved. One night, 4 years ago, my daughter was playing me up so much and refusing to go to bed etc. Mr Suffy was away and I was at the end of my tether and was frightened that I was really going to lose it so I sent her to my mum's for the night. She still hasn't forgotten this and mentions it to this day. She clearly felt that she was going off to Granny's because I didn't love her anymore even though I've reassured her countless times that this was not the reason.


Children should feel loved at all times. On the whole, it's the ones who don't who develop anti-social behaviour. Most kids will rebel at one time or another, however, if they've been brought up to feel loved, love in return and to respect people - they will more often than not get back on track of their own accord.


Puressence (somewhat of an ironic username for one so cynical) - I don't know if you have children or not, but do you not think that children should be loved unconditionally?

When I say I hate you to my seven grandkids, its said with a smile on my face. They were born with a sense of humor, and life with Poppa is a blast. I doubt you can teach me much about raising KIds. My three sons were never involved with drugs and are good providers. One of them is serving his country, and I am happy to be their Daddy until he safely comes home. There is no hint of anti social behavior in any of them. Precocious yes, but that is the typical American child, confident from birth.

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  • 5 years later...

I was just about to start a thread about this and as I was typing in my title I realised I'd already done it some time ago. Still true though.


---------- Post added 22-11-2013 at 20:18 ----------


I was just about to start a thread about this and as I was typing in my title I realised I'd already done it some time ago.* Still true though.


* I just checked. It was over five years ago. Crikey, how time flies.

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I was just about to start a thread about this and as I was typing in my title I realised I'd already done it some time ago. Still true though.


---------- Post added 22-11-2013 at 20:18 ----------



* I just checked. It was over five years ago. Crikey, how time flies.


I love you Habs :love::love:

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