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What the world needs now...

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What the world needs now is a kick up the backside. Too much liberal love is the main reason for the mess we're in now (i.e. reform over punishment, sympathising with the offender and not the victim etc).


Too much love kills.


didnt brian may say that or was it freddie mercury

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ive lots of love


just dont see the point of this thread thats all


Oh! Oh! here we go again..... what is WRONG with forum members these days? When I first started looking at this forum there used to be so much HUMOUR - it suddenly appears to have been lost.


Is it the weather?

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Oh! Oh! here we go again..... what is WRONG with forum members these days? When I first started looking at this forum there used to be so much HUMOUR - it suddenly appears to have been lost.


Is it the weather?


if i had to explain i would get a forum holiday:D

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......is love, sweet love; love's the only thing that there's just too little of.


That's how the great song has it and it has it righ. The root cause of so many of the ills in society - especially violence - is a lack of love. More love and less hate is something we all ought to strive for, don't you think?


Yes Halibut, of course I do. :) The trick IMO, is to stop allowing ourselves to be ruled by our fears. I think fear is the opposite of love, not hate.

Fear equates to closed. Love equates to open.


There's always the problem of getting past the idea that love is the "soppy" thing that comes with chocolate boxes and fluffy white kittens and the like but that is not my understanding.

It is totally unconditional. Not I love you because this or that. Not I will love you more if you do this or that. That is business and has nothing to do with love.

It says I love you whatever you do, whoever you are. I love you because of our differences not in spite of them.

I have learnt that there is nothing that exists in the other that is not contained within myself. We are born from love and with love. What happens after that is different for all of us as the book of our life is written. We go our separate ways but let us never forget we came from the SAME source. Brothers and sisters more than we realise. :)

Take care, maybe see you at the next meet.

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Can love be taxed?


Im sure they could come up with some way to do it. Perhaps a 'Love Credits' system akin to carbon credits? It epends if love can be measured. Best not shout too loud or there will be love leauge tables popping up

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What the world needs now is a kick up the backside. Too much liberal love is the main reason for the mess we're in now (i.e. reform over punishment, sympathising with the offender and not the victim etc).


Too much love kills.


I couldn't agree more. Post of the week.

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