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What the world needs now...

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Can you explain what's 'codswallop' about the world needing more love?

There are wars going on all over the planet, violence all over the news and you're claiming the world needs a 'kick up the backside?' Why?


Certainly. It's not a lack of love that's causing kids to run riot, knife culture and conflicts. The parents of young offenders will always love their kids (or claim to). What they won't have done is given them a sense of social responsibility, common decency, any discipline/rules.


You can love too much as I said before, and it's precisely such misguided love that leads to parents being prosecuted for perverting the cause of justice from protecting their little hoodlums.


The world, or at least the UK, needs a return to pre-liberal values, corporal punishment and the genuine fear back in people that there will be consequences for their actions that are a blight on our society today.

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Certainly. It's not a lack of love that's causing kids to run riot, knife culture and conflicts. The parents of young offenders will always love their kids (or claim to). What they won't have done is given them a sense of social responsibility, common decency, any discipline/rules.


You can love too much as I said before, and it's precisely such misguided love that leads to parents being prosecuted for perverting the cause of justice from protecting their little hoodlums.




You can never love a child too much and loving a child is not necessarily mutually exclusive with instilling a moral framework. What you describe is lazy parenting.


The world, or at least the UK, needs a return to pre-liberal values, corporal punishment and the genuine fear back in people that there will be consequences for their actions that are a blight on our society today.


Totally and utterly disagree. So you want to raise a totally repressed next generation? Genuine fear? That's what religion is there for and what a huge success that has been.:rolleyes:

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Certainly. It's not a lack of love that's causing kids to run riot, knife culture and conflicts. The parents of young offenders will always love their kids (or claim to). What they won't have done is given them a sense of social responsibility, common decency, any discipline/rules.


Social responsibility, discipline and rules are all part and parcel of loving parenthood. It is a lack of love that leads kids into becoming violent or destructive.




The world, or at least the UK, needs a return to pre-liberal values, corporal punishment and the genuine fear back in people that there will be consequences for their actions that are a blight on our society today.


You want more punishment and fear. I want more love.

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Social responsibility, discipline and rules are all part and parcel of loving parenthood. It is a lack of love that leads kids into becoming violent or destructive.






You want more punishment and fear. I want more love.


In your opinion it is lack of love that leads to bad kids. In mine it's a lack of discipline. We'll have to agree to disagree on this one as I'm not budging, and it's nice to see I am not the only one with this opinion.




Yes I do want people to be scared of the consequences for their actions. If they were I'd be prepared to give society more love as a result.

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You can never love a child too much and loving a child is not necessarily mutually exclusive with instilling a moral framework. What you describe is lazy parenting.




Totally and utterly disagree. So you want to raise a totally repressed next generation? Genuine fear? That's what religion is there for and what a huge success that has been.:rolleyes:


Better repressed than feral, and yes I want a burglar to be scared of the fact that if he is caught it won't be a suspended 6 month sentence, but 10 years hard labour. That might make the swines think twice.


Of course you can love a child too much. The sort of parents scared of upsetting their kids and spoil them rotten?

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In your opinion it is lack of love that leads to bad kids. In mine it's a lack of discipline.

The two aren't mutually exclusive, but love is the greatest thing. You can raise a child with rigid discipline, but if there's no love that's a damaged person you're raising.

Yes I do want people to be scared of the consequences for their actions. If they were I'd be prepared to give society more love as a result.


I think it's really sad that the love you feel for humanity is so conditional.

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The two aren't mutually exclusive, but love is the greatest thing. You can raise a child with rigid discipline, but if there's no love that's a damaged person you're raising.



I think it's really sad that the love you feel for humanity is so conditional.


I totally agree. There is nothing more damaging than feeling unloved. Look at Jamie Bulger's killers. Classic example.

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Love is like respect, it should be earned and not unconditional.


This is starting to sound like the "Hug A Hoodie" fanclub.


Oh for goodness sake, you seriously believe that children should only be loved on a conditional basis? Well I hope that you don't have any if that's the case.

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