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What the world needs now...

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So far it's Puressence 2, Halibut 0.


Anyone going to agree with the fishy one, or is he spouting a load of old codswallop as per usual?

Don't you mean that it's a load of cods and scallops?

I want some! :love::love:

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Certainly. It's not a lack of love that's causing kids to run riot, knife culture and conflicts. The parents of young offenders will always love their kids (or claim to). What they won't have done is given them a sense of social responsibility, common decency, any discipline/rules.


You can love too much as I said before, and it's precisely such misguided love that leads to parents being prosecuted for perverting the cause of justice from protecting their little hoodlums.


The world, or at least the UK, needs a return to pre-liberal values, corporal punishment and the genuine fear back in people that there will be consequences for their actions that are a blight on our society today.

Well, you can live in fear, and then manifest that in some form or another, be detached emotionally and/or display that anger in another form, or let that anger out and let it go.


You can't love a child too much, but you can certainly spoil them and literally cover their eyes of what is right and wrong.

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Love is fierce and passionate and not always the opposite of fear. Love can cause fear, pain, anger, hatred and violence.

Sometimes you punish through love, not a vindictive punishment, but because it's needed and without it then that object of your love could be harmed.


Love is not simple in anyway, people die for it and kill for it, but also people live for it and strive for it.


The world does need more love, just to keep it on it's toes.

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You can't love a child too much, but you can certainly spoil them and literally cover their eyes of what is right and wrong.


Bago, I find much of what you post puzzling but I think you've put this very well indeed.

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:love::love::love::love: I tried to post lots of love here but I got a message that said I could only post eight...


...so you will all have to fight amongst yourself for some :love::love::love::love:

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:love::love::love::love: I tried to post lots of love here but I got a message that said I could only post eight...


...so you will all have to fight amongst yourself for some :love::love::love::love:


Give me some. (Bago snatches a few and runs off!)


Grr.. overused smilies. >.< !

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What the world needs now is a kick up the backside. Too much liberal love is the main reason for the mess we're in now (i.e. reform over punishment, sympathising with the offender and not the victim etc).


Too much love kills.


So let's have a load of anger instead :confused:


There's a place for anger, so long as it's controlled and positive ..... as a certain 'muse' once said, anger is an energy. If there were more love around though, there'd probably be fewer reasons to be angry ......

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