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What the world needs now...

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The only reason the world need more love is because of all the evil bas**rds out there that are causing so much pain. These people are the ones that need a kick up the backside along with the Liberal idiots that try to protect their human rights.


So instead of being angry, create more love .....

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Certainly. It's not a lack of love that's causing kids to run riot, knife culture and conflicts. The parents of young offenders will always love their kids (or claim to). What they won't have done is given them a sense of social responsibility, common decency, any discipline/rules.


All of which would involve love, not anger.


You can love too much as I said before, and it's precisely such misguided love that leads to parents being prosecuted for perverting the cause of justice from protecting their little hoodlums.


Millions of parents have been prosecuted for that ....... get rid of the anger, man ....... you can never have too much love and respect ......


The world, or at least the UK, needs a return to pre-liberal values, corporal punishment and the genuine fear back in people that there will be consequences for their actions that are a blight on our society today.


People need to live in fear? People just need to respect each other, and someone has to extend the hand first, so I'll do that first .....


Time for a small gin and a bit more Uriah Heep .....

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Love is like respect, it should be earned and not unconditional.


Tell me how a pure, innocent baby earns love and respect then? Begin with love, and you'll end with love; begin with anger and violence, and see what it breeds.


This is starting to sound like the "Hug A Hoodie" fanclub.


More like "Love, Before Love Gets Lost" fanclub to me .....

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......is love, sweet love; love's the only thing that there's just too little of.


That's how the great song has it and it has it righ. The root cause of so many of the ills in society - especially violence - is a lack of love. More love and less hate is something we all ought to strive for, don't you think?


Ironically, three years after Hal David and Burt Bacharach wrote "What the World Needs Now (Is Love, Sweet Love)" they penned another hit, "I'll Never Fall in Love Again".:suspect:

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Am all for love me. I shower my children with it. They are very happy, secure, well adjusted, sociable beings with tons of love and generosity.


Shame on you all those sceptics.


Sceptics .. aka. Realists


Wait until they get into bad company when they get older and start on the drugs, the drugs the Lefties are so happy to promote... Or get knifed for their mobile phones because the lefties have taken any chance of the culprits getting punished, away.. Post back then :hihi:


Can't wait! :mrgreen:

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Yes, we all need to love one another and reach out for another and be there for one another. You see, really, the world is like one gigantic maypole, where we are all dancing around and inter-acting [ or inter-lacing ? ] with each other and if we don't all love, honour, respect, cherish, support, help, sustain, co-operate, have regard for, and generally get along together, well, the world will be a nasty place all round.

We can all do something practical right now ! We could walk up to our worst enemy and put our arms round them and say, " I love you . " There, that's not difficult, is it ?

I'm sure the Americans have made a film about all this, ages ago, but I've forgotten the name of it now.

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Sceptics .. aka. Realists


Wait until they get into bad company when they get older and start on the drugs, the drugs the Lefties are so happy to promote... Or get knifed for their mobile phones because the lefties have taken any chance of the culprits getting punished, away.. Post back then :hihi:


Can't wait! :mrgreen:


You really are a piece of work aren't you? And stop stalking me & take your personal vendetta elsewhere.

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A great promotional video for the Loony Liberal Lefties HERE! :gag:


It would be great if you could could make some kind of positive contribution Petrol, but I'm guessing that sneering from the sidelines is more your kind of thing..........

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