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What the world needs now...

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Sceptics .. aka. Realists


Wait until they get into bad company when they get older and start on the drugs, the drugs the Lefties are so happy to promote... Or get knifed for their mobile phones because the lefties have taken any chance of the culprits getting punished, away.. Post back then :hihi:


Can't wait! :mrgreen:


"Someone, somewhere sure must have kicked you around some."

Tom Petty.


I take the greatest of comfort in telling you that I do not live in your world.

Your whole input since your arrival on the forum has been nothing but an expression of the negative energy you radiate. Have you nothing positive to say to the world?

You present as loud, uncouth, without manners and without knowledge.

But I am a Swami and I know to never judge any book by it's cover. I see much more, much much more. :)


I say what I say out of my love. :love: And I wish you well! :)

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"Someone, somewhere sure must have kicked you around some."

Tom Petty.


I take the greatest of comfort in telling you that I do not live in your world.

Your whole input since your arrival on the forum has been nothing but an expression of the negative energy you radiate. Have you nothing positive to say to the world?

You present as loud, uncouth, without manners and without knowledge.

But I am a Swami and I know to never judge any book by it's cover. I see much more, much much more. :)


I say what I say out of my love. :love: And I wish you well! :)


Jolly good show! ;)

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Sceptics .. aka. Realists


Wait until they get into bad company when they get older and start on the drugs, the drugs the Lefties are so happy to promote...


Thing is that most young people will get into some kind of bad company at some point thats life, its almost a part of growing up and finding your own identity.

I am a firm believer that you have to give a child acceptance, guidance and love (love does include discipline too) this in turn is learned by the child and they are able to pass it on also once they properly mature.

Once the rebellious "phase" is over the child will revert back to being a sensitive loving, sensible human being...you have to be given love to know how to pass it on.

The world needs as much love as it can get!

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Once the rebellious "phase" is over the child will revert back to being a sensitive loving, sensible human being...!




Unless of course they've turned into worthless drug addicts because of the disgusting scum pushing and promoting it..

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Unless of course they've turned into worthless drug addicts because of the disgusting scum pushing and promoting it..


Of course this is also true, but all that anyone can do is to love a person and hope that when the time is right that they can draw upon the strengh of that love and use it to pull themselves out of the "pit" that they find themselves in.

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Having read Hailibut's original post, if you replace the word 'love' with "Zero Tolerance" then it's a surefire winner.


"What the world needs now is zero tolerance, sweet zero tolerance; zero tolerance is the only thing that there's just too little of


Like today's Nu-Lab crackpot idea for knife crime - A POSTER!


Yes! That will have the 'yoof' running scared and handing in knifes left right and centre. You have to wonder who comes up with these crackpot ideas. How about a nice cosy 5 year stay in the nick instead Mr Criminal? No we'll just do some posters to "Connect" with the kids man.


These people don't deserve love, they deserve contempt.

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"Someone, somewhere sure must have kicked you around some."

Tom Petty.


I take the greatest of comfort in telling you that I do not live in your world.

Your whole input since your arrival on the forum has been nothing but an expression of the negative energy you radiate. Have you nothing positive to say to the world?

You present as loud, uncouth, without manners and without knowledge.

But I am a Swami and I know to never judge any book by it's cover. I see much more, much much more. :)


I say what I say out of my love. :love: And I wish you well! :)


If this is your way of wishing someone well, I wouldn't like to see what you do when you're picking on someone.

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If this is your way of wishing someone well, I wouldn't like to see what you do when you're picking on someone.


Leave it pure...


I think they're a bit.... you know.... :loopy:


Better to be nice to them.. ;)

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It sure as hell isn't 'love' that causes a youth to feel they have to go round in a hoodie with a knife, it's this much vaunted 'fear'!


They 'fear' looking a bit different or you'll get your head kicked in like Sophie the Goth from Bacup - better to get with the hoodie look. They 'fear' a gang beating the crap out of them so they have a weapon to engender 'respect'


Note, Respect = Fear.


There's not a lot of use the Authorities trying to use 'fear' against the most hardcore of them as a 10 year sentence holds a lot less fear than being killed by another gang, a near certainty for some youths if they try to go against the culture the other youths around them have brought about.

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It sure as hell isn't 'love' that causes a youth to feel they have to go round in a hoodie with a knife, it's this much vaunted 'fear'!


They 'fear' looking a bit different or you'll get your head kicked in like Sophie the Goth from Bacup - better to get with the hoodie look. They 'fear' a gang beating the crap out of them so they have a weapon to engender 'respect'


Note, Respect = Fear.


There's not a lot of use the Authorities trying to use 'fear' against the most hardcore of them as a 10 year sentence holds a lot less fear than being killed by another gang, a near certainty for some youths if they try to go against the culture the other youths around them have brought about.


Well the people who are members of such gangs are the human equivalent of rats in terms of my opinion. As long as they're killing their own let them get on with it.

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