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What the world needs now...

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If this is your way of wishing someone well, I wouldn't like to see what you do when you're picking on someone.


Hello PuressenceUK, My sentiments and well wishes were sincere. I do not feel I was "picking on" Petrol Girl.

I gave my opinion honestly of what I see.


What I would say to you both is posed in the form of this question: Do you seriously expect to post on a public forum and be so provocative without reply?

I will not sit back and witness the rudeness. I will respond as positively as I can. Would you tolerate such behaviour from your own child?


I am not your enemy. :)

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Hello PuressenceUK, My sentiments and well wishes were sincere. I do not feel I was "picking on" Petrol Girl.

I gave my opinion honestly of what I see.


What I would say to you both is posed in the form of this question: Do you seriously expect to post on a public forum and be so provocative without reply?

I will not sit back and witness the rudeness. I will respond as positively as I can. Would you tolerate such behaviour from your own child?


I am not your enemy. :)


I never implied you were an enemy - and I am not being provocative, merely expressing an opinion that is so alien and distressing to the liberal elite who run this forum that they will do anything to try and quash it.

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Well the people who are members of such gangs are the human equivalent of rats in terms of my opinion. As long as they're killing their own let them get on with it.


Depends how much they are forced into it all by peer pressure, as nobody is immune to that.


What actually needs changing is a culture where violence is 'cool'.

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Depends how much they are forced into it all by peer pressure, as nobody is immune to that.


What actually needs changing is a culture where violence is 'cool'.

You have it in one! we live in such a selfish, aggressive society its a vicious circle the more that it is that way the more that it has to be that way, until society breaks down altogether....it needs a radical re-think before its too late.

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It sure as hell isn't 'love' that causes a youth to feel they have to go round in a hoodie with a knife, it's this much vaunted 'fear'!


You're correct Mathom - it's a lack of love that has our young men running around with knives.

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Of course this is also true, but all that anyone can do is to love a person and hope that when the time is right that they can draw upon the strengh of that love and use it to pull themselves out of the "pit" that they find themselves in.

I think that is indeed one of the loveliest post I've read for a long time.

(Bago huuuuugs Moonbird.) :love:


Anybody with any sense will go through their own self reflection and indeed take responsibility into their own hands. When a person is young, can they? Are they capable? Even though many wants the authorities to be much stricter, in this day and age, children are exposed to so much more than the 30s, 50s, 60s... I always sensed that those times were more innocent, when comparing to society in this day and age. I suppose kids are cheekier, more aggressive, and easily "fight" when challenged by strangers.


The days are gone whereby kids are turned into men/women and fight in a war in the name of their country, but now their war now is "society", groups, sub-cultures etc etc.

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I think that is indeed one of the loveliest post I've read for a long time.

(Bago huuuuugs Moonbird.) :love:


Anybody with any sense will go through their own self reflection and indeed take responsibility into their own hands. When a person is young, can they? Are they capable? Even though many wants the authorities to be much stricter, in this day and age, children are exposed to so much more than the 30s, 50s, 60s... I always sensed that those times were more innocent, when comparing to society in this day and age. I suppose kids are cheekier, more aggressive, and easily "fight" when challenged by strangers.


The days are gone whereby kids are turned into men/women and fight in a war in the name of their country, but now their war now is "society", groups, sub-cultures etc etc.

Awww thanks for the hug Bago :)

I believe that the youth of today needs love more than ever before.

The world today moves so fast and there are sooo many pressures on the young, most of these angry teenagers are just crying out for acceptance and love it makes me feel sad to think of it really.

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Sceptics .. aka. Realists


Wait until they get into bad company when they get older and start on the drugs, the drugs the Lefties are so happy to promote... Or get knifed for their mobile phones because the lefties have taken any chance of the culprits getting punished, away.. Post back then :hihi:


Can't wait! :mrgreen:


DAVE!!! thats really horrible, I'm shocked :mad:

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My five year old granddaughter Michaela just screamed at me that she hates me, because I wouldn't let her have her own way. I shouted back I hate you too. Then she sidled up and said " You don't really do you Poppa " I said no and so did she. Ain't love wonderful.

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