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What the world needs now...

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My five year old granddaughter Michaela just screamed at me that she hates me, because I wouldn't let her have her own way. I shouted back I hate you too. Then she sidled up and said " You don't really do you Poppa " I said no and so did she. Ain't love wonderful.


Hi Buck, It's warming to have one's deepest suspicions confirmed. I always had you down for an old softie at heart.

A lovely story and yes, love is wonderful. We have found something to agree on. My regards to you and your granddaughter. :)

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Having read Hailibut's original post, if you replace the word 'love' with "Zero Tolerance" then it's a surefire winner.


"What the world needs now is zero tolerance, sweet zero tolerance; zero tolerance is the only thing that there's just too little of


How divisive do you want the world to be?


Like today's Nu-Lab crackpot idea for knife crime - A POSTER!


Designed by peace loving kids, who want to love in a peace loving world. Deconstructing and devaluing the peace loving youth is an enormously constructive way of moving forward ......


Yes! That will have the 'yoof' running scared and handing in knifes left right and centre. You have to wonder who comes up with these crackpot ideas. How about a nice cosy 5 year stay in the nick instead Mr Criminal? No we'll just do some posters to "Connect" with the kids man.


But the horrific scenes might make younger children realise what can happen if you have no love. The current generation are far from beyond help from love, but if we create love and peace instead of fear an hatred,, only love and peace can survive.


There will always be bad people, but when love and harmony pervades, violent thoughts and actions decline ....


These people don't deserve love, they deserve contempt.

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These people don't deserve love, they deserve contempt.


It must be a strange place inside your head where people have to 'earn' love, and where you regard people making a positive effort to tackle criminal behaviour with contempt.

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It must be a strange place inside your head where people have to 'earn' love, and where you regard people making a positive effort to tackle criminal behaviour with contempt.


Oh my god, I cannot stop laughing that you honestly think a poster will stop knife crime. And you think I'm the one with a messed up head.


Excuse me I'm going to have to get on the gas and air, you're killing me with your comedy Halibut.


Positive effort my backside, more like complete and utter waste of time.

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Oh my god, I cannot stop laughing that you honestly think a poster will stop knife crime. And you think I'm the one with a messed up head.


Excuse me I'm going to have to get on the gas and air, you're killing me with your comedy Halibut.


Positive effort my backside, more like complete and utter waste of time.


Manifestly you've had enough gas and air IMO. :)


Instead of being so negative why don't you give us your own "creative" solution?

Thus far you have preached a philosophy of utter despair. The attitude you bring to this discussion will serve only to further alienate those you would wish to change. Ever heard of working WITH people as opposed to treating "them" as your enemy?

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Manifestly you've had enough gas and air IMO. :)


Instead of being so negative why don't you give us your own "creative" solution?

Thus far you have preached a philosophy of utter despair. The attitude you bring to this discussion will serve only to further alienate those you would wish to change. Ever heard of working WITH people as opposed to treating "them" as your enemy?


In total agreement with you there Swami Dhyan.

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Manifestly you've had enough gas and air IMO. :)


Instead of being so negative why don't you give us your own "creative" solution?

Thus far you have preached a philosophy of utter despair. The attitude you bring to this discussion will serve only to further alienate those you would wish to change. Ever heard of working WITH people as opposed to treating "them" as your enemy?


We've tried this 'working with' people cobblers for too long, and have been too soft since the early 60's. It clearly doesn't work does it?


My solution is we build several new maximum security prisons, holding several thousand prisoners at once, and increase the sentences for carrying knives to 5 years (no parole).


No TV, no luxuries (this goes for any crime not just this one).




This is called real solutions for the real world we face today. Not namby pamby ideas which will do absolutely nothing.


Who said I wanted to change these people and change their attitudes? If they're not willing to do this themselves knowing the new harsher penalties then they deserve everything coming to them. Stop trying to love and embrace the entire human race, when frankly some people are not worth anyone's time or effort.

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