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HUBS anyone been yet?

Sandra Spice

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no. simple as. it's alright but at the end of the day it is never going to be able to compete with sheffield university's club nights. The differing personalities and music tatstes of sheff uni students make it more accessible to more alternative nights-which are generally far better. Hallam-from experience-holds more general run of the mill topman/topshop students who listen to RnB and other commercially accepted music. Rock night at Hallam is **** too!

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Originally posted by Andy78

I'm not too sure about it either.The bars are quite nice, but main bar downstairs is pretty small and I'm not sure that the space upstairs is big enough to run decent club nights. The individual drum rooms are quite pokey.


It worked when they used to hold insomniacz there- it was amazing!!!

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Indeed the conversion COULD have been much better. The old atmosphere of the massive HUB bar has totally gone, its far too much like a wine bar on West Street, too bright and not in the slightest bit "studenty" in the sense that the NMB was. The building itself is nowhere near as large as it looks, and as rightly stated above, the rooms are bar area are very pokey. The collective and combined space there is less than the total floor area of the NMB so why they bothered to move at all I dont know. Wasted money....


The club venues are OK for intimate and small events, but try squeezing 1200 students in there and it wont work at all. No idea what the official capacity is but a lot of students will be disappointed at this.....the design of the building originally was as a museum and exhibition centre with small rooms, and as such without a total rebuild it still looks like a converted art gallery or museum with small claustrophobic rooms.....naff.

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