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Sakushi restaurant - your opinions...

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myself and dark_moomin have just set a record! the longest meal ever in Sakushi! lol weighing in at nearly 3 and a quarter hours....but no free meal prize! :o;)


not to worry, dinner was great as was the fab ice cream from Yee Kwan ...green tea and black sesame, sounds wrong, but oh so right! :D



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That is long, I'm normally in an out within 30 minutes.


well we probably did more talking than eating...:help:


it has been a long time since weve had a proper catch up which was as much the point of the visit as the food.


if i needed a place for a very quick pitstop, it would be super and much more enjoyable than sandwich.




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I took advantage of the 30% discount offer and made my first visit last night as my son has developed a taste for raw fish and wasabi. We quickly wolfed down 5 plates each - very satisfying fast food! The quality was excellent, with a good range of plates on the conveyor for a fairly quiet Tuesday night.


A return visit for the big sashimi platter before the end of January might be on the cards...

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