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Sakushi restaurant - your opinions...

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We went for lunch and it was great! We announced that I was vegetarian when we walked in and they sent around more veggie dishes. I've never had proper sushi before and I was very impressed. I ate loads, there is lots to choose from, even for the vegetarians.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Went yesterday for lunch - fantastic! Ate far too much, couldn't resist the interesting sushi that kept coming round on the belt. Spicy seared tuna was great, as was yakiniku. Wife is not a great sushi fan but she really enjoyed her yakisoba. Will definitely be going back. It is just what the city centre needs.

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We went there the other week, im not really sure about sushi as never tried it before, so played it safe and had one of the noodle dishes, which was fantastic!


Im sure i will be a bit more daring next time and maybe try something off the conveyor belt apart from chicken :hihi:

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I went with some friends last night. Got there: great decor, nice funky new place. I know it's not been open long, but if the manager sorts the staff out, this place is going to be ever popular - especially across from the Wig and Pen: prime location for lunch times too!


The waiter needed a good slap to wake him up as he had us standing abut getting all confused, he didn't have any enthusiasm or experience imo, he was a let down to the place. The head manager was very nice and helpful though.


Our friends were already sat on one of the booths so we joined them, and picked sushi off the belt going past. We had allsorts of things inc sashimi: quality of food was excellent!! We ordered seafood soba noodles and the beef ones too; both of which were no greasy, full of flavour and absolutely yummy!!


The bill came to £107 which wasn't too bad for 4 adults, + 4 beers and 4 glasses of white.


All in all food, place was fab but the waiter needs sacking: he didn't know how to greet us, nor did he come over to remove all the empty glasses and bottles we had piled up on the table, we had to ask for a bowl for the soupy noodles and when we said can we have 'some' bowls; he brought ONE :loopy:


So, if Sakushi was to get rid of the dippy waiter, then the place would have my 100% backing and repeat business. if it were to fill up the atmosphere would be great.

They also need to get some glass over where the kitchen is you can see right through and it's clean but an oldish building out of the new modern decor; this did put me off a bit. The kitchen could be see through but not as exposed: this would better.


Waiters/waitresses; if you are good, helpful and polite etc..... get down to Sakushi and say you've heard they need a new one as I wanna go back but not with Dippy Dan as the waiter!!!!

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