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Marquis of granby derbyshire RIP.

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Being 'charming' isn't good enough.


It closed because people didn't use it as a pub or hotel.


It was demolished because the planning department were unrealistic about what they were insisting on for redevelopment.


Hey ho, a lesson learned? Nah.

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Wasn't commenting on any personal failing with regards decision-making Tony, just pointing out that it is usually buildings that meet these criteria that inevitably get the chop ...... for whatever reason. Never the eyesores, unfortunately.:(

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The central building is still there though. It's the later additions that have been demolished.


There appears to be work going on to redevelop the site, but at a snails pace. I heard it was planned to be a Holiday Inn, but I have no idea if that's true.

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The central building is still there though. It's the later additions that have been demolished.


There appears to be work going on to redevelop the site, but at a snails pace. I heard it was planned to be a Holiday Inn, but I have no idea if that's true.

What a beautiful place for a house ....... if you could afford the renovation costs. Don't think it's been touched in ages has it?
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Wasn't commenting on any personal failing with regards decision-making Tony, just pointing out that it is usually buildings that meet these criteria that inevitably get the chop ...... for whatever reason. Never the eyesores, unfortunately.:(


The trouble is saxon51 that old buildings are often not fit for modern use so they gradually become practically economically unviable until the last person out turns off the lights before they are cleared for something more useful.


We all want modern facilities and cheap prices but you need modern buildings to do that. The world rolls on and sometimes we have to accept it.

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its going to be a hilton hotel.google it .as i have seen the plans..they are keeping the main building
You mean this?

Supposed to open 2011?


Well I drove past today and nothing has changed for a long time...except a bloody great wall has been built where the above image shows a natural hedge and walkway.


It looks to me as though it's going to be a private residence now.

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