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June 2nd 1953 Queens Coronation Day

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Do you remember where you were on this day? I was still in Primary school. We sat in the main hall and watched the coronation on the newly invented TV screen. All the girls in our school received a pair of scissors. Hubby received a penknife.

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As I remember it, my family and a few other neighbours went next door. We all crowded around their tiny TV, I was 10yrs old at the time, when I was eleven we had our own TV.

I can't understand how I was at home (I thought it was a Sat) and you was at school, what day was her coronation on? I was at Mansel Juniors at the time and we received a mug (or was that her wedding) lots of senior moments lately :huh::D

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My late mother was nine-and-a-half, when the coronation happened.


She got a coach-and-hoses model of the coronation coach, and a miniature cup, saucer and plate, which had detail from da vinci's last supper painting, and the Lord's Prayer on it. It's still in my dad's china cabinet.


I remember my grandpa having the coach and horses on display, on top of his TV, when I was a small child in the mid/ late 1960s.

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I was 7 yrs old and seem to remember gathering at Owlerton greyhound track for a sports day. We were all given penknives and the girls got a pair of sewing scissors.

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As I remember it rained all day. I had a friend doing his National Service in the RAF and he was one of the young men in uniform who lined the route and was wet through.

I watched it together with a lot more young peple at my boyfriends house.

There was a song very popular at the time " In a Golden Coach " which sticks in my mind, written I suppose for the occcasion. We must have been given a day off work as I had left school by then.

Can't remember if my red white and blue dress was bought for the Coronation or a later affair whch was something to do with a British Exhibition ?? glass

house or Crystal.

Just remembered it was Festival of Britain.


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I arrived in Fremantle on my way to Sydney. The aircraft carrier (HMAS Australia I think it was) arrived shortly afterwards with the band playing on the flight deck, it hit the quay hard and the band went down like dominoes. It was the start of 9 brilliant years in Australia.

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I was eleven and we went to my aunties to watch it on her new telly. It was to be a couple more years until we got ours. I can't remember what day it was but I know we had the day off school so it might have been Saturday or we might have been given the day off.

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I actually started the parade from a specialy built dais on the Mall very near to Adniralty Arch and opposite the entrance road to Horseguards parade ground. I was stationed with London District Signals in Hounslow and a WO1 ( foreman of signals ) and two lance corporals me and a lad called Trayhorne did an enormous amount of work before the day installing loud speakers and telephone lines in Westminster Abbey. It was a very simple procedure, the troops were all fell in along the Mall and we were opposite the front of the Parade. Trayhorne was on the monument outside Buck House with a telephone and a radio transceiver with a clear view into the Buck House front yard. As soon as Elizabeth got into the coach and was comfortable a Guards Officer indicted and Trayhorne phoned me, I grabbed a disc about 12" diameter and held it up, this was the 5 minute signal. The brigade commander gave the order to march and off they went.


Is there somebody out there who was on the parade.

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