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I am Looking for my mum

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My full name is clare amy hooley. I am looking for my mum. I haven't seen her for artond 17 years or so. so i can't even remember what she looks like.I have been living with my dad for the last 17 years. His name is Carl Trevor Hooley. I really want to find her. I was born on June 2nd 1990, yes it was my 18th birthday yesterday, and i've never recieved so much as a card for any of my birthdays. I am not expecting my mother to give me a big hug, or to tell me she's sorry, i am just curious about her, what type of person she is etc. If anyone knows her?!! all i know is her last assress was the one where she lived with me and my dad,on crumpsall road, i think. Before she took me to social services whilst my dad was at work.

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Hi, Just wanted to wish all all the very best in your search.

It may be worth trying to search through phone books, electoral registers etc to see if she shows up. If it's possible she has re married check those registers too and I hate to say it but also look in the death records to make sure.

If you can't do that why not contact social services as they will make contact with her for you as they have access to lots of things we don't and in your case it could be the easiest option.

Also if you can talk to other family members and see what you can dig up, could be someone knows where she went.

It's interesting at times that people you don't think could help actually know quite a lot and if you go to social services they can be a great help but you may have to give them a push.

Please keep things updated and I really hope you find all you want and hopefully fill in the missing spaces.

I think it's good you are not expecting too much from your mum if you do find her but hope you get a pleasant surprise when do. If you don't try you will never know.

Keep an open mind and good luck.

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