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Chewing Gum

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Earlier today I had the misfortune of treading in someones chewing gum. I hate chewing gum and some people who use it, especially people who drop it on the ground to turn into super glue in the sun so people like me get it all over their shoes and on the mats inside their car, and then have a glorious fun afternoon cleaning it up. It's selfish. It's bad enough dodging dog dirt everywhere you go, but at least that's water soluble. Do people know what they look like chewing gum? Moronic and gormless. Why not go the whole hog and just get a dummy? I'm fed up of having conversations with people and watching a bit of grey white gum churning around their mouth. People everywhere chewing like ruminating cows, and polluting the place. If you don't like that gum chewers, you know where you can stick it. I'm very angry! :evil:;)

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I chew gum! Helps the digestive system you'll find.

However, as a car driver and a street walker :? I too dislike it when people drop their chewy on the floor.

At least I have the decency to put it in the bin or on one of those chewy boards you see around town.

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

I chew gum! Helps the digestive system you'll find.

However, as a car driver and a street walker :? I too dislike it when people drop their chewy on the floor.

At least I have the decency to put it in the bin or on one of those chewy boards you see around town.


True. Where are these boards? I can't say I have ever seen them.

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In Brighton (I think) the boards have the faces of annoying celebs: David Dickinson, That Smiley person, Lawrence LLLellywn-Bowen, Jerry Paxo, and Monkhouse. Seems pretty popular. And then you can gum their stupid faces...

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

I chew gum! Helps the digestive system you'll find.

However, as a car driver and a street walker :? I too dislike it when people drop their chewy on the floor.

At least I have the decency to put it in the bin or on one of those chewy boards you see around town.


be careful though It only helps the digestive system if youve just eaten. if you havent it can cause ulcers as it sets the stomach off making acid to digest food and if there is no food in there it can eventually attack the stomach lining.

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I used to chew gum, but not any more as it is a disgusting habit, I liken it to people with snotty noses who let it drip down and then every so often keep snorting it back up.


And even worse, these dirty buggers who sit in front of you in the works canteen when one is having ones lunch, they should be barred for life.

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yeah i must admit i chew it all the time cos of its mintiness - no ulcers yet thankfully. yes halevan i agree it looks a bit common but i think ive got the art of chewing without people noticing down to a fine art - i have to as work rules say no chewing and i have a big security camera above me which store managers often look through.

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