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Chewing Gum

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There was talk about a £50 fine been introduced as law for gobbing out Chewing Gum. Not sure if it's is law yet but I expect it to. That's if enough time between the fox hunting debate and possibly more salary rises for MP's can be found.

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  • 4 months later...

When I last went round to my local shops, I couldn't help noticing the amount of chewing gum that had been trodden into the pavement area around the shops.


It looks vile, is a complete eyesore and youngsters who are caught carrying out this despicable and disgusting act should be dealt with accordingly and made to clean their mess up.

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Why dont they swallow it?


Or have we been here before?


AFAIK it is not poisonous - certainly never did me any harm, have swallowed it for 30 years


Isnt it an old wives tale?


Echoes of an old thread methinks

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Only the other day I was sat waiting at a juction in the car, and I noticed the amount of chewing gum on the floor.


All that day I couldnt help but notice, it is literally everywhere. Anywhere you look on the floor in any reasonably built up area, you will see chewing gum.


It remains where it was dropped for ever, so if a peice has been dropped there in the past, it will be visible forever.


Go outside onto the street now, wherever you are, and I bet you will see gum on the floor.

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