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Remember any old silly verses etc you were told as a child

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Oh Jemima look at your uncle Jim

He's in the bathtub learning how to swim

First he does the backstroke then he does a dive

Now he's under the water

Swimming against the tied.


And the tomato Jim I remember is:

You've heard of Aunt Sally and you mind Uncle Jim

Well his wife threw some tomatoes at him

Tomatoes don't hurt he said with a grin

But the buggers did cos the came in the tin.

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humpty dumpty sat on a wall

humpty dumpty had a great fall

all the kings horses

and all the kings men

had scrambled egg for breakfast


Did you know the original version of Humpty Dumpty was actually a question rhyme. The last line was something like "Who was Humpty Dumpty?"

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Did you know the original version of Humpty Dumpty was actually a question rhyme. The last line was something like "Who was Humpty Dumpty?"


Humpty Dumpty was actually a cannon, IIRC, at the time of the English Civil War, which broke when being fired.


Edit to add, a version of the HD rhyme was used in the nursery my lad went to teach the kiddies road safety.


HD Sat on a wall

Watching the children

Play with a ball.

Don't run into the road, said he,

Or You'll have an accident,

Just like me!

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