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Remember any old silly verses etc you were told as a child

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Our own strange version of the A A Milne rhyme about taking care not to walk on the lines of the pavement was:


If you step on a crack

you'll marry a rat

who'll pinch you and bite you and scratch you.

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I know it as


"An actor, an actor,

Was my uncle jim

Till somebody threw a tomato at him....


Now tomatoes are soft,

And they don't break the skin

But this one was different,

It was still in the tin!


Singing toooralie oooralie ooorrralie -ayyy"


My dad used to sing this version:


Ryan O Flynn had his arm in a sling

tomatoes don't hurt me he said with a grin

But this one did it was still in the tin

And that was the end of poor Ryan O Flynn


(Probably learnt from Attercliffe Palace (Adelphi?)

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Theres one that's bugging me cos I can't remember it all.....:suspect:


One fine day in the middle of the night,

two dead men got up to fight.

Back to back they faced each other,

Drew their swords and shot each other.


I keep going over and over it in my head but.....:huh:

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Theres one that's bugging me cos I can't remember it all.....:suspect:


One fine day in the middle of the night,

two dead men got up to fight.

Back to back they faced each other,

Drew their swords and shot each other.


I keep going over and over it in my head but.....:huh:


have a look further back up the thread, Joan, I posted that much, which was all I could remember from my grandpa teaching it me as a child, and, luckily someone with a better memory for rhyme than I have, filled in the blank a few posts later.





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I found it!!


Wizard Of Odd filled in the blanks, back in post 64.


these are the rest of the rhyme, as W-O-O remembers them, and they do sound about right:-


a blind man came to see fair play

a dumb man came to shout hooray

a paralysed donkey passing by

kicked the blind man in the eye

knocked em o'er an aif inch wall

into a dry ditch & drownded em all



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:roll:PT went back to 64....perhaps that's why it was going round in my head cos I'd already read it.:roll: I don't recognise any of the other bits of it though. :hihi:

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