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Remember any old silly verses etc you were told as a child

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I remember the End Of The Day prayer we all had to sing.


At the end of the day, just kneel and pray

Thank you Lord for our work and play

I try to be good, as I know that I should

Thats my prayer for the end of the day. :)

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mi mother n father were feitin

feitin fer half a crown

mi mother kept pullin her nickers up

mi father kept pulin em down

when they wer up they wer up wen they wer down they wer down

when they wer only halfway up

they wer neither up nor down :D

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Longchat you must be the largest contributer on my thread, where do you get them all from? do you still have them all stored in your head! If so that's amazing :clap:


Thanks chunkyfunky ( I keep wanting to call you chunkymunky ) :hihi:

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