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Remember any old silly verses etc you were told as a child

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I heard one as a child very similar, which went:-


"I'll tell you a joke

About a Bloke

who peed on the fire

and made it smoke


I'll tell you another

About his brother

who did the same

the dirty b*gger"


I also used to know another, similar one, which I used to say to my youngest sister when she clamoured for a bedtime story,


"I'll tell you a story

about Jack-a-nory

And now my story's begun.


I'll tell you another,

'Bout Jack and his brother,

And now my story is done!"

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Here's one my Dad taught me as a child and Mum used to go mad!!


molly Maguire peed in the fire

the fire was too hot, she peed in the pot

the pot was too wide

she peed in the clyde

and all the little fishes ran up her backside!


Pretty tame but my parents were quite strict - was shocking for such an innocent girl!!!! haha.

First time i have thought about this in a long time. Miss you Dad x

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I (nearly) remember a version that went something like-

Mariah Mariah she peed on the fire

The fire was too hot so she tried for the pot

The pot was too round so she tried for the ground

The ground was too flat so she peed on the cat

And the cat ran away with the pee on his back.

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