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Everest woodseats

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Sat night myself and my boyfriend went for an indian. Our meal arrived and i was not happy with it, my massala tasted no better than tinned tomatoes with chicken, my boyfriend also found a hair in his meal. when the waiter came to ask if everything was ok we told him what had happened. he became abuseive and said we had finished the meal id had 2 pieces of chicken and he said the hair must hav been from me! i said that i was not prepared to pay for my meal as it wasnt what i ordered, he became more abusive so we got up to leave. once outside we were surrounded by 4 members of staff shouting at us sating they were going to punch my boyfriends teeth out. they shoved my twice and then surrounded my boyfriend. scared i flagged a taxi and got in, they then talked to the taxi driver and i was locked in while they continued to persue and threaten my boyfriend. the manager then came out and asked what was the matter my boyfriend was forced to pay. i was so scared. has anyone got comments???

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In their favour, you shouldn`t have eaten it.


However, that is terrible! I went once and said one word to my wife - `patak`s` and the veg looked processed to me. It`s not good enough and there are plenty of quality curry houses out there. They give the trade a bad name!


Take it to trading standards - ? Citizen`s advice might help - ? I`d mention it to the cops too tbh - !?


Keep an eye out for threads on here and tell people about your experiences when people ask for restaurant recommendations or Everest is mentioned. A lot of `foodies` take note of stuff on here; word of mouth is the best publicity.


Dilshad`s in Woodseats is quite good nearby further up Chesterfield road.

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I could never understand why Everest had a good reputation, I gave it about five goes, and every time the food was absolutely rubbish - greasy and bland. I remember the tandoori vegetables were particularly gross.


I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience :(.

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Sorry to hear about your bad experience. It is a difficult situation as they could argue that you were trying to steal from them as you didn't pay for the food that was provided. I think that is better just to pay, and take your custom elsewhere if a restaurant has poor quality food.


Momtaz is quite nice a few doors up, and the staff seem quite pleasant, if you can brave venturing down again.

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The staff are thugs. I've experienced this behaviour from them before, but it wasn't in the curry house, it was at Abbeydale sports club.


They were on the Astroturf pitch before us and wouldn't leave when their time was up, so I started whacking balls onto the pitch and running around in the middle of their game. A few kicked off at me, until one of the older ones saw sense, and stopped it, saving them a beating.

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