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Jeyes Fluid and Rabbits


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I'm a Safe4 convert too- there's no need to use something that's so harsh or toxic as Jeyes unless as Sooz says, you've got an outbreak of something that's specifically resistant to normal disinfectants.


The only issue that the Shelter found with using of Safe4 is that the odourless variety is so odourless that it's hard to believe that you've put enough into your water, so people tend to use far more than they need to.


I worked out that at the recommended daily use concentrations (according to LD50 calculations) a 1kg kitten would need to drink almost half a litre of disinfectant to run the risk of seriously hurting themselves.

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I am the Norther agent for Safe4 pets (my day job - not the Rain Rescue side of things)


Jeyes fluid is great for cleaning out drains - what does that tell you?

Would touch the stuff around anything that has to breath or has skin


Check out the products here http://WWW.E-K9.CO.UK for all the info.


We sell to so many places I couldn't list on here - but its the fastest growing on the market - because it doesn't burn - even when wet.


The odourless one is often used for reptiles, cavies and marine life (we sell to Seaworld)

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  • 1 month later...
I would only use jeyes if there were a real need and then i wouldn't be putting any animal near it , I use Safe4 pts and Defra products which are the safest


Check the Safe4 website for germs and diseases that it kills though. I don't think Coccidiosis is on the list, so I'd stick with Sooz's advice above :thumbsup:


I use Safe4 for all kinds of things. It cleans the patio without killing any plants with it's run off, it kills pink mildew in bathrooms (and shower door seals), and it's even good for cleaning the dog latrine in the garden :D

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No thats quite right but when we steam clean the hutches and use certain defra products ( like the vets use) we feel pretty safe. We also take advice from peak vets as to what we should use , they have okayed our cleaning materials but have said never to use Jeyes fluid near them.

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The veterinary grade disinfectants, Virkon and Trigene are both ineffective against the protozoa's Encephalitozoon Cuniculi and Coccidia. Infact there has been a recent outcry against the fact that many rabbits may have contracted EC whilst at the vets due to them not using effective cleaning solutions between patients.


Extreme heat is effective against both however so if you have a steam cleaner it is a much healthier alternative to Jeyes. If not I would recommend it's use simply because protozoans are very hardy and can survive in the environment for a month or more without a host.

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Sooz - how does Safe4 compare against the others with protozoa's Encephalitozoon Cuniculi and Coccidia.

Rabbits is not an area I specialise in - I know Safe4 is much better than them because of the safety when wet - but I don't know about its effectiveness with them. I can find out if you don't know though.


I know its used by RSPCA and Twycross Zoo in so many of the animal care areas - it should be right.

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