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Does anyone suffer with a spotty rash to the tops of their arms?

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Hi just wondering as I have had this now for just over a year, doctor has given me some cream to put on but makes no difference. The spots are like little reddish pimples and the area feels rough, it sometimes is quite bad and other times not too bad but never completely goes.( sounds disgusting doesn't it:gag:)It is not sore or itchy, just a little embarrassing really.


So just wondered if anyone else has this and can give me some advice on treating it, as the docs suggestion hasn't helped.:huh:


Exfoliate, exfoliate , exfoliate then apply vitamin E cream.....keep at it and it will go .....hope this helps :hihi:

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Good grief, a whole forum just about this condition:o I never realised it was so common.


Got the cream and the omega oils, just need to get sugar scrub now, any particular make you recommend?


The omega 3 pills didn't work for us, they just made us feel quite ill! I would recommend 'scrubby' gloves or a loofah for exfoliating, way cheaper than body scubs and really effective, combined with a moisturising body wash and oodles of cocoa butter or thick moisturising cream

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I've always had this, asked the doc and he said its just the way my skin is!!


I have tried eucerin cream and loads of others, but I do find that when I moisturise in a morning then my arms actually look worse, and the heavy duty moistirisers tend to make them seem spottier...


But exfoliating of a morning and moisturiser at night seems to work ok, but never got it to go away totally.... I may swap my shower puff for exfopliaty gloves if they may help. Always tend to use Lush soap products which are moisturising anyway.


Glad that other people struggle with this. I'd love to have smooth arms!

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  • 2 years later...

The affliction is probably keratosis pilaris, I used to suffer badly from it but managed to get it under control by scrubbing twice daily with a body brush and applying Savlon liberally. Give it a couple of months and it will get smooth, the pigmentation does take longer to normalise, in my case it was a couple of years. Good Luck!

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