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Update On Gatecrasher Required

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"drag and old fashioned gay entertainment" - Im sorry but if you are referring to Tyranna - and you do seem to have it in for her with a vengence - then she is far from old-fashiojned and is in my opinion quite a futuristic avant-garde artiste - there is nothing that can even come close to her act currently in Sheffield .....
I have nothing against him. What bores me is you dragging his name into every thread as though he is the future of entertainment when plenty of people have said that he is rubbish. Even if he weren't rubbish its still desperately dull hearing you banging on about him and about drag as though that is the pinnacle of entertainment. You are aware that its 2008 and people have made it abundantly clear they don't want drag? Its written on here time and time again but you still persist in banging on about it. Its also repellent the way you insist you and he are famous when you are nothing of the sort. Constantly saying it doesn't make it true. It just makes you look stupid.


If you're so convinced that Tyranna is so good why don't you invest some money in him? I don't mean go and see him when he sings, I mean put some proper money and financial muscle into the act. Really show your devotion to the cause.

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"If you're so convinced that Tyranna is so good why don't you invest some money in him?"


Maybe we should form a double-act and go on the road :-) who knows with our combined talents we may reach the height of stardom and have to leave Sheffield and move to London ;-)

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"If you're so convinced that Tyranna is so good why don't you invest some money in him?"


Maybe we should form a double-act and go on the road :-) who knows with our combined talents we may reach the height of stardom and have to leave Sheffield and move to London ;-)

In that case definately do it
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I had heard that one of the buildings being built next to the roundabout (and next to old GC) has a PP for a club venue.


Heard it from a cabbie and from a friend but cant validate it any further sorry.

Maybe someone could check the PP section of the council website?



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well its officially on the gatecrasher website "Gatecrasher prepares to launch new flagship venue"


The long awaiting new flagship venue is nearly upon us, bigger, bolder and better than ever before.


"Gatecrasher are to launch a new Flagship venue in the final trimester of 2008" and On September 18th 2008 a most extraordinary nightclub will open its doors to the public. It will incorporate four rooms of music, the most technologically advanced light and sound systems in the world and an awesome inspiring design.


People get ready for GB


So thats the end of everyone wondering if they rebuilding the answers NO....


It wasnt just the night that made Gatecrasher it was the venue as well ....but i guess

"Simon Raine, Managing Director of Gatecrasher, said:“We will also be looking at how we rebuild the Gatecrasher One club, one of the cornerstones of the UK nightclub scene and our spiritual home, as quickly as possible". was everyones imagination.....



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BACK ON TOPIC !!! aND STOP SLAGGING tYRANNA OFF - I think Gatecrasher has had its day - when is the last time a trance record was in the charts .. a while ago not since Ian Van Dahl !!
Trance, trance, trance. I think you'll find Motorcycle - And The Rush Comes was released after that. I also think you'll find that since crasher will undoubtedly be sold out at the Academy that theres plenty of life left in it yet. It is however interesting to think that trance a fairly young genre surely its only into its teens is finished. Whereas drag. WOWEE! Thats alive and kicking and what all the hot young things around town are into.
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Drag music is the up and coming thing - look at all the goth and emo rockers with makeup - anyway a really good drag night such as Tyranna can put on can be more entertaining than trying to dance to boring beat music !
Are you telling me that Emo's and goths are really just in drag?!


That would be so cool if they all were and it was just a conspiracy!

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