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I wish, i wish, i wish

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I wish upon a star to take away hate,

I wish upon a star to make things great,

I wish upon a star to endow me with wings,

I wish upon a star to crush all kings,

I wish upon a star to never feel fright,

I wish upon a star for endless night's,

I wish upon a star to fly me away,

I wish upon a star those guilty should pay,

I wish upon a star to guide me through life,

I wish unto you to just be true,

I wish unto them as i do unto you,

And tho i do know,

As far as wish's can go,

These wish's wont pass,

As dreams shatter like glass....

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I like this Chris, but I can't put my finger on precisely why. The last line is my favourite bit.


I wish for many of those things too, especially being able to fly (I think jetpacks is the way forward there). But why would you want to crush all kings? They're not all bad are they?

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Crush all kings is a additional line to endowing with wings; No man could ever rule us again if we could fly, because we would be free as life intends. If one would make there own analysis of this poem, they may come to a conclusion its aimed at the ruling bodies of this world.

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