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Parking Permits in Hillsborough.

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I'm in the parking scheme area.

I cannot at the best of times park that close to my house.

I have one car on a street that most homes have at least two cars. Under the scheme i will have to pay £10 to park and those with a second car will also be allowed a ticket, for a greater fee of course.


This would be great if it was enforced and 24 hours, but it isn't. If i'm not parked by 6:30 i'm parking somewhere else.


What's the point in half measures?

That's exactly the point. The problem for residents was never visitors. It was always that there just weren't enough spaces when all the residents got home from work.

Still, we had a chance to raise objections in the "consultation" process but didn't do so with enough weight.

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That's exactly the point. The problem for residents was never visitors. It was always that there just weren't enough spaces when all the residents got home from work.

Still, we had a chance to raise objections in the "consultation" process but didn't do so with enough weight.


But even if you had done, the council would probably have ignored you as the consultation has no official 'weight' - this has been confirmed by an ex-council employee!!

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But even if you had done, the council would probably have ignored you as the consultation has no official 'weight' - this has been confirmed by an ex-council employee!!

And here is the problem. Consultation is designed to give the decision makers an insight into local opinion.


Although they consider all of these opinions, the decision makers do not necessarily have to agree with them. In fact in many cases there are often contradictory opinions on the same proposal.


The Councillors, who make the decisions on these matters have to make the decision which is best for the city as a whole.


The difficulty is, that when the decision goes against them, people like Litotes say that their opinions have been ignored. That is not the case. The decision makers never ignore your opinions, but they might disagree with them. There is a big difference.

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So,in effect, our views have been ignored.


It amounts to the same.

No, it doesn't. Do you not understand the difference between ignoring someone's views and taking them on board, but deciding a different way? The Councillors have difficult decisions to make, they cannot please everyone.

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care for my mum on Clarence Rd and either me or husband attends daily. I checked council website and link to carer permit doesn't work. I emailed council and they sent me form to apply for carer's permit. This needs proof of carers allowance/ disability allowance etc. My mum is 86, housebound and just in receipt of normal pension / pension credit. She is basically just elderly and quite frail - no specific diagnosis. She has private care company twice a day for 15 minutes!. We go to do lits of cooking/ cleaning/ shopping/ bathing / admin / company etc daily - apparantly now I need a permit if all 'free' spaces are gone. Not bothered about cost - but I have to ask doctor for letter to confirm needs - this is interesting as docor has visited one since discharge feb 2011 for a cut arm only, it's going to be interesting persuading them to write letter!

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