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Parking Permits in Hillsborough.

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The problem with this is that a parking permit scheme may be in say Hillsborough, will affect hundreds of people daily, yet the decision on whether to implement it may be decided by the vote of one councillor from say Mosborough.

Nowadays, much of the highways funding is devolved to local assemblies, so it is local Councillors who make the decisions.

The councillors voting on the decision usually rely upon assertions made by planning officers who have made their mind up before the consultation begins.

The officers have to bring forward a proposal, or there is nothing to consult on. Once the consultation is done, the officers have to give the Councillors a recommendation on the course of action to be followed. The Councillors do not have to follow the recommendation if they don't want to and I've seen it happen many times that they don't.

Consultation is a means of allowing the decision makers an insight into local views and issues? Sounds like those that support the proposal are taken into account and those that are against it are ignored.

The Councillors who take the decisions are given reports which detail all the consultation responses and discuss the issues which are raised. Many changes are made to schemes like a permit parking zone in response to issues raised in consultation, these are also detailed in reports to Councillors. On many occasions, people who want to rise an issue attend the decision making meetings and speak to the Councillors.


It's often the case that those whose view doesn't carry the argument claim they have been ignored. I have to say that this is simply not true. The decision makers can't please everyone.

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Really? I always find Taplin Road very easy to find a space on during the day. Maybe not right outside any particular house, but within a few metres.


I agree, I met my friend there today for coffee at 10am, she got parked directly opposite Buttercup, and there were plenty of spaces for all the two hours we were in the area. So anyone with a resident's pass should have had no trouble.

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Just wandering around Hillsborough at lunchtime and i've never seen so many empty parking spaces on the streets, are people avoiding the area ?

I would guess so. I know I stopped shopping in Broomhill when permits started there. But I've read that the area benefitted from that scheme. I must be in a minority, but I will avoid anywhere I have to pay to park whenever possible.

To my mind, the last thing Hillsborough shops need is a reason for people to avoid them.

Of course the counter argument is that time limited spaces create greater churn so it might be easier to find a space. But that could be achieved without a permit scheme.

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Nowadays, much of the highways funding is devolved to local assemblies, so it is local Councillors who make the decisions.


The officers have to bring forward a proposal, or there is nothing to consult on. Once the consultation is done, the officers have to give the Councillors a recommendation on the course of action to be followed. The Councillors do not have to follow the recommendation if they don't want to and I've seen it happen many times that they don't.


The Councillors who take the decisions are given reports which detail all the consultation responses and discuss the issues which are raised. Many changes are made to schemes like a permit parking zone in response to issues raised in consultation, these are also detailed in reports to Councillors. On many occasions, people who want to rise an issue attend the decision making meetings and speak to the Councillors.


It's often the case that those whose view doesn't carry the argument claim they have been ignored. I have to say that this is simply not true. The decision makers can't please everyone.


Its all well and good saying that the public can submit counter arguments against plans contained within consultations, however, I think that its clear from the postings made on A61 / Yorkshire Water thread how the views of Joe Public are treated in such instances.

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Its all well and good saying that the public can submit counter arguments against plans contained within consultations, however, I think that its clear from the postings made on A61 / Yorkshire Water thread how the views of Joe Public are treated in such instances.

The A61 Yorkshire water issue is temporary road works, hardly the same thing as permit parking.


There is ample evidence from implemented permit schems like Hillsborough and Sherrow Vale that th Council listens to consultation responses and makes significcant changes to proposals where the majority want them.

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There is ample evidence from implemented permit schems like Hillsborough and Sherrow Vale that th Council listens to consultation responses and makes significcant changes to proposals where the majority want them.


You should rephrase it to - makes significant changes to the proposals where the majorities wishes are the same as the councils...


We had this discussion - if only 1 person votes, then they are a majority - and they WILL get ignored.

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