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Parking Permits in Hillsborough.

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I think it's absurd people living on a said street should pay for a permit to park outside their own home, taking into account that they already pay rates, road taxi etc, however, if the permit was free for one car per house it would be a fairer scheme but this would affect income to the council, why are the council taking this action anyway, on what basis?

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You should rephrase it to - makes significant changes to the proposals where the majorities wishes are the same as the councils...

You of all people should know that isn't true.


You know as well as I do that if the majority on a street ask to be left out of a scheme, they are. Is that not a significant enough change for you?

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They are left out if a majority ask for this, however it is reviewed frequently so requires repeat petitions. It is not a probationary period to which you can opt out as first thought! Which ever roads have these permits they are now permanent. But you can opt on at any time, funny that! In the papers other week that council are not meeting targets with these schemes people are a little naive if they think costs won t increase over time.

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They are left out if a majority ask for this, however it is reviewed frequently so requires repeat petitions. It is not a probationary period to which you can opt out as first thought! Which ever roads have these permits they are now permanent. But you can opt on at any time, funny that! In the papers other week that council are not meeting targets with these schemes people are a little naive if they think costs won t increase over time.

All of the permit schemes have a review period a year or so after being implemented, so that any necessary changes can be made.


I don't believe anyone has ever said that the implementation of one of these schemes would be for a "probationary period". They cost very large amounts of money to put in, so of course they are designed to be permanent.

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The A61 Yorkshire water issue is temporary road works, hardly the same thing as permit parking.


There is ample evidence from implemented permit schems like Hillsborough and Sherrow Vale that th Council listens to consultation responses and makes significcant changes to proposals where the majority want them.


I understand that the A61 Yorkshire Water issue is different to parking permits.


I was referring to this thread because of the way that you dismiss peoples views and question the right that they have to make comments. If your stance is the attitude of the planning department it is a very sorry state of affairs.


You state that changes are made where 'the majority want them'. Could you be kind enough to provide details of where the majority of people indicated their support of the Hillsborough scheme?

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Just wandering around Hillsborough at lunchtime and i've never seen so many empty parking spaces on the streets, are people avoiding the area ?


Yeah - I go to Crookes or Walkley now for local shopping.


Would rather than extra 5 minute journey than pay this council tax supplement.


I feel sorry for local businesses in Hillsborough - when they all start closing hopefully people will remember what the deathknell was.

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I understand that the A61 Yorkshire Water issue is different to parking permits.


I was referring to this thread because of the way that you dismiss peoples views and question the right that they have to make comments. If your stance is the attitude of the planning department it is a very sorry state of affairs.


You state that changes are made where 'the majority want them'. Could you be kind enough to provide details of where the majority of people indicated their support of the Hillsborough scheme?

Why should I provide you with details, go to the Council's website and have a look yourself or contact them and ask your questions. I'm not your lackey.


The results were published and widely discussed on here at the time.


If you can't find anything there I can give you details of a Council officer who will be able to answer any questions you have about the Hillsborough scheme. PM me if you want them.


The Council did an area wide consultation on the Hillsboro permit scheme and only implemented it on streets where there was support. Streets which didn't want permit parking did't get it.

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